on 5/30/08 11:38 am - MASCOUTAH, IL

I have been afraid before; I've had multiple surgeries in the past but I feel like I am going to have an anxiety attack. I don't know why all the jitters but I can't help it. I feel like I have to post every few seconds to calm myself down or I'll find someone else to reply to. I'M ALL OVER THE PLACE! I can't get my emotions in check and I still have an entire week to go. My surgery is on June the 6th. How did you guys cope with the jitters and how did you finally overcome them? I don't know what will happen the evening before because I will be driving to Chicago on pins and needles. Just wanted a little support and a bit of advice if anyone has any to spare (I know you are all going through your own woes as well.)

Good luck everyone and I will be here until my surgery on Friday so feel free to post or send me a message. THANKS!!!!


Monica G.
on 5/30/08 1:09 pm - North Aurora, IL

Hi Cherie!  First off, take a deep breath and relax, everything you are feeling is normal.  Everyone reacts differently.  I wasn't nervous at all before...but once they came to take me to the OR is when my nerves set in, but then the happy juice hit me.  lol

You are going to do GREAT!  You just post here as much as you like until your surgery and then even after we are here for support for you!

Deep breaths.....



(deactivated member)
on 5/30/08 10:41 pm
Oh Cherie, do I know what your going through......I had emergency surgery about 3 years for a hystrogtome (spell) and I actually grabbed the surgery doors while they were wheeling me in crying and screaming.  I just don't get why they don't put you out before you see the operating room, why do they do that?????? So the next surgery, bladder and sinues (2 seperate times..LOL) I freaked out so much, they put me out in the room before the surgery..... Tell them when you check in that your very nervous and they will give you something to relax. But rest assured it will be ok.  I'm nervous too, everyone keeps telling me I'll be ok.  so just keep yourself calm...and remember why we're doing this....for our health...we need to lose this weight. If you want to email [email protected] Lynne Good Luck on Friday!  I will say a prayer
(deactivated member)
on 5/30/08 10:43 pm
Hey I've actually been to Mascutah!.......Not too many people can say that!
Paul L.
on 5/30/08 10:43 pm - Cary, IL
You are at the right place!  And you will be fine.  You are an incredibly strong person who is up to this event.  The proof of that is that you are willing to take back your life!  The scary part was living in a dangerous relationship with your health for all the time it took you to get here!  But that ended the day you made the decision to do something about it.  I know the details of surgery are scary, but they are minor compared to the work you've already done!  I fell asleep while waiting in pre-op and when I woke up, my surgery was over and I was back in my room!  The discomfort that I had in the first week after, was minor and easily managed.  So my advice to you is to take a good look in the mirror and take pride in who you see.  That person is one of a few select people who has found the strength and courage to be a winner in her life.  I will sand a new space on the loosers bench (our term for the winner's bench!) for you and adorn it with gold and silver to make sure it is ready next week.  Paul



on 5/31/08 4:16 am - MASCOUTAH, IL
THANK YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH! All the words of wisdom and encouragement are appreciated deeply. After reading everyones encouraging words, I took "deep breathes"; "tried to relax"; and "took a good look in the  mirror" and said to myself..."self...we will get through this! I would still be freaking out had it not been for you guys. I am sure I will be here again flipping out, anxious and panicing again but just bare with me. The decision to have the surgery done was the easy part for me...following through is my down fall. I'll check in often and see where things lead. Thanks again and once I quit freaking out I can also help others. Please stay in touch and check in often...I would also like to know how you all are doing. THANKS FOR THE INSPIRING WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!!
C. Richardson
on 5/31/08 10:17 am
Hi Cherie - What an exciting time for you!  Keep busy and your big day will be here before you know it!  I remember the few days prior were full of emotions.  You are normal sweetheart.   You are on your way to a healthier, happier you.  I'll be praying that you can just relax these next few days because my friend.. you better hold on tight, you're in for the ride of your life.  This surgery is going to change your life forever  HUGS, Christina 
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