Saturday Roll Call
on 5/30/08 10:36 pm
on 5/30/08 11:30 pm - Park Forest, IL
Good Morning IL Family
Happy Birthday Paul!!! I hope you enjoy your day with your family and have a great day!! congrats on the 27 lbs too! woohoo
Today I have Tyler's ballgame from 12-2 then home to see if I have time to plant a couple of flowers I bought yesterday and then it's off to the Schaumburg Flyer's Game for the Bariatric Day from the Kane Center. I hope to see a few of you there! Do you know if we can bring our own water bottles or not?? Do you know if we need money for anything? This is my first time...obviously! lol
Those 2 things will fill my day today and I will sleep good in my own bed finally tonight I hope. I have been trying every so often to sleep in the water bed and it just doesn't work well. I hope it does because I am gonna need back surgey pretty soon if I don't get off the couch! lol
Tomorrow is open and I will probably finish doing what I can in the garden. I still can't really stay in a bent over position for too long otherwise all the stomch muscles hurt. I will do what I can though.
I hope everyone has a great day. The sun is shining, though it's VERY windy here. I hope that either dies down or stops all together. I hate wind.