Added a picture of Tyler and me....
I just added a picture of Tyler and me from his graduation tonight.. Jacob took the picture and it's kinda odd, but I can actually tell I've lost weight finally. woohoo...the pants/capri's I have on are a size down from my normal too. The shirt could have been a size smaller too, that's what I get for not trying it on and just buying it.
The only regret I have is that I wore nylons...they were too snug on the belly yet and now my incision is sore....ouch. Oh well.
I can't believe my first born baby is a high schooler now! yikes!
I can see a huge difference in this picture compared to the one that i have of me and Jacob at his 5th grade gradution just last year at this time!
I will tell Tyler. He's off to spend the day at Great America today with his class. I don't pick him up until 8pm tonight at the school. I hope the weather is nice for them!