Emotional Eating/Drinking (X Post)
Wow. This is a test. This is only a test. This weekend, I received very bad news regarding my fathers health. He has been diagnosed with lung cancer. I don’t know if it’s spread (will know more tomorrow). My first inclination was to eat something – anything – or grab the nearest bottle of wine and drown my sorrows. Food really protects you – it shields you from dealing with things. Hide behind chocolate cake or a bottle of Merlot. Right now I’d take that instead of dealing, head on, with these RAW emotions. I think I’ve experienced 100 X’s stronger emotions since surgery – because I’m forced to. Easy way out? I’d double dog dare anyone who hasn’t had this surgery to deal w/ these emotions – and then tell me this is the ‘easy way out’. UGH.
So, what to do? I should go to the gym, I know this. However, I am not yet a member.. so maybe I’ll get my butt downstairs and on the treadmill. My son has a ‘power ranger bash bag’ – which has gotten quite a workout – why hitting something makes me feel better is beyond me. I’m not a violent person.
I need to pull myself together for my kids. And for my job. And for my sanity in general. It was never this difficult when I could prescribe myself some chocolate indulgence!
So, how do you deal with emotions now that food and alcohol are not options?
Come here ten times a day if necessary! Journal, exercise, talk to friends, check out a cancer family support group in your area. Another option would be OA which can help you deal with your feelings and food.
PM me if you would like to.