Tuesday Roll Call

Paul L.
on 5/26/08 10:10 pm - Cary, IL
Well it's cold out there and I for one, am ready for warm days!  It was a great and active weekend.  We went to the Museum of Science and Industry Saturday.  Had a nice BBQ with friends on Sunday and enjoyed the sunshine yesterday.  I got my pool back in shape only to find that my solar heater mats have developed holes over the winter.  So I'll need to replace them.  But I'm busy filtering out the swamp water that formed over the last 8 months and we should have a crystal clear pool in the next few days.  Considering the weather and the fact that I'll be traveling for three weeks, I figure July will be the first swim time for us.  The water is so dirty, I think I'll need to do the first filter cleaning tonight!  But the yard is all in shape and almost all the planting is done.  I had a few bad episodes with food this weekend, but I'm learning.  It's all still new to me.  Things that should be very easy to eat, react with huge pain, and then stuff I think will cause huge pain goes down without a problem.  I am starting to recognize the little warning signs before it turns into major pain.  I've avoided the scale since last week and am happier for it.  I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, and will weigh in there.   This Saturday is my birthday and every restaurant in the world is sending me free meals.  I've told my wife to go with my best friend so she can enjoy it.  It seems like a waste for me to go to a restaurant at this point.  At the museum, I paid four dollars for a bowl of chili that I only ate 1/3 of.  Even though I enjoyed it, it just seems silly to waste money like that.  Paul



Lisa Tucker
on 5/26/08 10:19 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Paul and the rest of Illinois, I for one, didn't want to get up this morning, after the holiday w/e. We also started to get the pool in shape, only to find tears in the liner and the cover totaled. So, we got the new liner on Friday, and DH, DD, and SIL put it in yesterday. We put about 1 foot of water in, and DH will work on it tonight.  Its a 4 day workweek for me, and on Saturday we will be heading for Pidgen Forge and Gatlinburg. It should be a good one. Have a great day. Hugs


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 5/26/08 11:14 pm - North Aurora, IL
Oh Lisa, my favorite place on Earth right now is Gatlinburg TN.  We actually have a time share there and have gone for the last 3 years in a row.  I am hoping that we will be able to this year, not sure yet.
have fun!!



Kim M.
on 5/26/08 10:33 pm - Poplar Grove, IL

Good morning Paul and Lisa and the rest  of my friends,

What a weekend!!!!  I haven't been on lately, because we have been so stinken busy and my dad is back in the hospital.  We are hoping he gets to come home today sometime.  He was having really bad pains in his right eye that would shoot back in his head.  I told my mom that it's nothing to mess w/, so we took him to the ER on Sunday night.  They still have not gotten the results back from the MRI. 

I have lost another pound and am still learning like Paul.  This weekend I had alot of slimming.  I hate the feeling of something stuck.  It kind of takes my breath away until it passes or is ok. 

Have a good day and stay warm!!!!



on 5/26/08 10:38 pm - Orland Park, IL
Good mornng Paul and Illinois! Hope everyone had an enjoyable Memorial Day! I walked twice yesterday,  bought and planted some flowers for the association flower pots,  and cooked out on the grill. I talked with my kids by phone.  Paul, I too hate paying for a meal and only eating  1/4 of it. One day we were running errands and were out past my mealtime. We stopped at Subway. I ordered small tuna without bread and still paid full price for the lump of tuna. My husband and I used to eat out every weekend and now I really don't care to, but I do miss it. I guess I can't complain as I am getting healthier  and weigh less every day. I guess the money we save by not eating out we can use to purchase new clothes! Have a great day and don't blow away out there on this windy, chilly day!

Janet H.
on 5/26/08 11:10 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Paul and the rest of my IL Family, Boy we had a busy weekend but I love it, Yesterday we went to the paraide and the to the park for a family cookout. that was a lot of fun, today I am off to PT. in a few the then my friend is taking me to brunch for my B-day which is Friday, one day after your Paul. So happy birthday to you my Gemini friend, Paul I now how you feel about paying for a meal you don't eat, I have now been just ording soup, or something off the side menu,   if my daughter goes with us we will share a meal, Sorry to hear about everyones pool problem, hope you can get them all fixed up and going soon, I am thinking that summer will come some day. Well hope everyone has a great day. I am off to PT. talk to you all later.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Jessica D.
on 5/26/08 11:11 pm - Pingree Grove, IL
Good morning everyone!  I too can not believe how cold it is today! We ended up turning our a/c on yesterday because it got so warm in the house, now this.... Our weather has just been crazy this year! Today is just a prep day for me since tomorrow is my big day!! I got most of the laundry done over the weekend, today I need to finish cleaning up, make food for the kids while I am gone, and lay out their clothes. (It's the control freak in me. lol) I have to call the hospital today to find out what time to be there, my surgery is at 7:30am!!
Lisa Tucker
on 5/27/08 1:13 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Jessica, you will be on the losers bench in no time!


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 5/27/08 1:36 am - Orland Park, IL
Good luck tomorrow Jessica! We will be thinking of you!

Monica G.
on 5/26/08 11:13 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning Paul and the rest of my IL family.

Today I go to see Karyn and Dr Rantis at 1:15pm so they can check and make sure the seroma I had is healing, which I know it is.  Also Dr R wants to talk to me more about the tumor in my breast too.  I'm hoping that I have lost some more weight.  We shall see.

Tonight Tyler has a ball game so I wil be breaking out the winter parka I think.  Or else just sitting in the van and watching from there!  lol   Jacob is still having some health issues and I am just at a loss at this point.  He started with a sore throat on Saturday and it's still really bad today.  I am not going to take him to the Dr again though because I really think it's just viral again.  He doesn't have tonsils so strep is unlikely though I do know it can happen.  He's got 4 1/2 days of school left and I really don't want him to miss anymore this year. 

I hope everyone stays warm today and let's all chant to the sun God to come back!!!



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