I arrived....but what a flight!! Uugh!
on 5/22/08 11:40 pm
on 5/22/08 11:40 pm
I have arrived!!! Safe & Sound!!
However, what a frik'n flight nightmare!! As I arrive at the airport I find out that my flight has been delayed by an hour. Before I know it is now delayed by 2hours. Well them were my two hours that I was going to have for a lay over but I was not stressing. Then I am "so politely" told that I will miss my connecting fligh!! ARE YOU FRIK'N JOKING??!! So, the lady so rudely tells me that I will miss my connecting flight and I will be stranded in Denver, Colorado for approximately 12 hours and that the next flight out to be able to make it in time to El Paso to then go into Mexico is already booked and I would have to standby!
Well, the plain is late in leaving because of all the other planes ahead of us. The majority of passengers are already aware that we are going to miss our connecting flight. So, we arrive in Denver and some lady has the nerve to tell the WHOLE plane that WE WILL let her off FIRST because her flight leaves in the next ten minutes!! AHAHAHAHAHHA! WHAT A JOKE!! Well, I do believe the majority of ppl gave her an earful and told her to sit down and wait her turn. Luckily I was seated close to the entrance/exit so I grabbed my bookbag and carry-on luggage and I RAN TO THE NEXT GATE!! MAMA JAMMA WAS HOOF'N IT!! As I am running I realize that though the scale only tells me I have lost 7lbs my clothes say differently!!
Well, as I am running to the next gate I realize that my sport capris are falling and are at my thighs!! ahahahaahah!!
What an embarrassing moment!! I stop...yank them up and off I go holding onto them and dragging my luggage behind me!! I MADE IT JUST IN THE KNICK OF TIME!! I literally was the last person handing my ticket to the lady!!! I MADE MY CONNECTING FLIGHT!! THERE IS A GOD!!
Well, the day is here and I will be leaving here in the next hour or so to go get prepped for surgery and do all that fun stuff!! Excited and nervous but long time coming. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I am not sure if I'll be able to post again. I did bring my laptop and I have wireless connection just not sure if it will work south of the border! Thank you all for who have contributed thus far in this journey and path of my life. Truly without your support, kind words, and inspiration I would not be here. They say that when it comes to family that blood is thicker than water. Well, I do believe that you have proven that "that theory" is false! By blood we may not be related but as a friend..... you have all proven that you are closer than blood and thicker than water! The support I have gotten here is beyond words & I'll never be able to truly show you all my appreciation. I am humbled by all of this. Thank you....Chunky Munky....on her way to being CHUNKALICIOUS!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/23/08 12:17 am - Park Forest, IL
on 5/23/08 12:17 am - Park Forest, IL
Good luck to you, I'll be saying a prayer for you that all goes well.
Bye Chunky Munky..... helloooo Chunkalicious!!
Hope you've caught your breath by now.
Oh what a awful time you had, but the good thing is you are their safe and sound. You did not go alone did you? I sure hope the return flight will comes with out a hitch,
see you on the losers bench Chunkalicious

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!