Friday Roll Call

Paul L.
on 5/22/08 10:12 pm - Cary, IL
Good Morning Everybody.  Today I'm feeling the blues.  Not really sure why, but it just happens.  I haven't lost any weight in 5 days.  I'm not sure why considering how little I'm eating.  But I guess that will pass as soon as my body adjusts.  I see my doctor next friday, and I'm not going to look at a scale until then.  This is a busy weekend for us.  Tomorrow we are taking the kids to the Museum of Science and Industry.  Then Sunday we are having a BBQ.  Monday, Nic is in the parade with the scouts.  So I'll be busy and active the whole time, which is good.  I hope everybody has a great weekend.  Paul



Kim M.
on 5/22/08 10:31 pm - Poplar Grove, IL

Good morning Paul and the rest of IL~

Paul,  I have found that the scale usually does a 3-5 day stall and then moves in big numbers.  You wait and will be very suprised!  Have a fun weekend.

I am getting ready for Maddies kindergarten graduation.  I was up till midnight putting together the class video and a family fun pack present for her teacher.  I think when graduation is over at 10:30, I'm going to come home a take a nap!  I did walking lunges yesterday w/ the baby in the stroller and I can feel them this morning!!!  I am determined to feel comfortable in a swimming suit this summer.  In years past, I have always worn shorts or a skirt.  Nothing wrong w/ that, except there is nothing like dark tan thighs!!!!  Better get going!  Everyone have a nice's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



on 5/22/08 10:39 pm - Rock City, IL
Good morning Paul and the rest of Illinois! Paul, you are at the first plateau, where your body says, "Whoa......what the HECK is going on here?"  It will adjust and the losing will begin again.  As far as feeling blue, that is also to be expected as surgery messes with your hormones along with the anesthesia doing funny things to you for WEEKS after surgery.  It should also pass.  Keeping busy will help both things.  You are really doing well. I am working today where we have a short crew due to the holiday.  A couple of folks decided to add a day to their vacation.  We will see how the day goes......sometimes, we are very busy and sometimes not so much. After work, I am going straight home to meet up with my neighbor to give her some much needed support as she is going through some things that she should not have to deal with.  I think I will pick up dinner for us all on the way. I am thinking of all of you most of the time and sending prayers up for those who need them. Have a wonderful, if cloudy, day!


Tell someone that you love them!

Monica G.
on 5/22/08 10:53 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning Paul and the rest of my IL family

Paul, you sure have a full and fun weekend planned!  I hope the weather gets better than it looks today. It's gloomy here. 

Today for me, nothing too much.  I might run to the store, but I don't want to miss the phone call from my Dr with the biopsy results either.  I have to admit though, yesterday I was fine with whatever the results will be, today, not so much.  I don't want to have anything else wrong with me and I do know that it is a possibility, but I am praying very hard this morning that it's NOT. 

Tomorrow Tyler has an early baseball game and then we will go shopping at Kohl's (thanks Paul) for his formal wear for his dance next week.  The ex might come along and pay for 1/2, we'll see.  Sunday BBQ at my sister's house and Monday, nothing.  The kids only have 5 1/2 more days of school left and then they are out for the summer...yay!!  I love summer

I hope everyone has a great day and that we see some sun today!



on 5/22/08 11:23 pm - Orland Park, IL
Good Friday morning Paul and Illinois! Paul, like Kim I too find that sometimes it takes 3-5 days to lose a pound. We need to be patient. I know it's not easy, but we must remember that we didn't gain overnight and we are not taking it off overnight either. I knew going into this weight loss would be slower and I accepted that. At least none of us are gaining with our new tool.  You have a busy weekend planned. I wish I did. I hate not having much to do. Usually we go to West Virginia for Memorial Day weekend, but since we are going for Fathers Day weekend we passed on this one. I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Janet H.
on 5/22/08 11:23 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Paul and the rest of IL,  Paul  we all have gone through the blues after surgery and it will pass, as far as the scale not moving , your body is just trying to catch up. Being busy this weekend will help to keep your mind off it,  The scale is evil. I hate mine,  Kim sounds like you have a busy day too. I am sure you will look great in a bathing suit you are a very pretty lady Dawn don't work too hard today,  Monica I will keep good thoughts for good results today, please let us know when the Dr. calls.  Not much for me today, a friend is coming of to get my old clothes for her SIL,  Jim's sister is coming in from Ca. tomorrow she is staying for about 2 weeks, some of the time with us. Hope everyone has a great day,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Paul L.
on 5/22/08 11:44 pm - Cary, IL
I guess I'm just playing the old tape of this not working through my mind.  I've done so many things in the past with no sucess.  I know I'm being silly, but what can I say.  I'm glad I have all of you for support.  Thank you for being there!  Paul



Monica G.
on 5/23/08 1:46 am - North Aurora, IL

Paul you are not being silly at all.  Here I am 6 weeks out from RNY and still can't even wear the same size pants I wore before surgery because of....ahh hell, I don't know why.  It's frustrating espeically since next week my oldest graduates from middle school and I will NOT wear sweats there.  I'm gonna have to go out and buy something to wear. 

Don't fret over it, it will happen this time and while it may be slow, it will be permanent!!



birder I.
on 5/23/08 12:21 am - Rockford, IL

Good morning Illinoisans! I was expecting sun today as many of you were--bummer! but it is the start of a long weekend and that's good. Other than one dinner with friends we don't have any plans for the weekend. Kay will be in the garden for sure and I will be knitting or reading.

My thoughts are with all of you who are waiting, struggling, hoping,etc--I think of all of you all day long and consider you my friends.

Hang in there and do something nice for yourself!



(deactivated member)
on 5/23/08 12:22 am - Park Forest, IL
Good morning Paul and Illinois, Paul keep your chin up, Know that you are doing the right things and that the weight loss will start again.  If you're exercising also remember muscle weighs more than fat.  Just keep going and looking ahead the lbs will come off.  I'm off to the dietician now, I'll post a little more later about my endocrinologist visit yesterday.  Blessing to all, Paulette
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