YAY!!! I'm back from my visit with Dr. Guske.
I found out that I had a large gallbladder, a hiatal hernia that was large too, and my pouch along with some of my small bowel moved up into the hernia. So Dr. Guske had his work cut out for him! He also had to remove a stone from my bile duct and he said that the bile duct was enlarged. He said I went through a lot of surgery last week.
I'm happy to report that I've lost 10.7 pounds since my surgery last Thursday! YAY!!!
It's about time for the numbers to go down and not up, up, up! He was pleased with my progress.
I can advance to a soft diet and begin exercising in about a week. He wants me to take it easy since I went through a lot more surgery than expected.
I have my first fill on June 12th.. Another YAY!!!!
I'm well on my way on the loser's bench again.

Good morning Janet. Thanks for your message. I am fortunate to have Dr. Guske as my surgeon. Surgical skill has a lot to do with my outcome. I could have been in worse shape if I had an incompetent or not so skilled surgeon.
I will remember to take it slow because if I don't that could affect my 1st fill.