on 5/22/08 12:14 am - Park Forest, IL
Good Morning everyone, Happy Thursday! Marilyn I'll keep you in my prayers today that the depression will pass. And Monica I'll be praying for you and your biopsy results too. I got a call from my endocrinologists nurse late yesterday , she wants to see me at 2:45 today instead of my next appt June 19th. The nurse would only say that some of my tests were abnormal. I had lots of blood work done and an ultrasound on my Thyroid. The doc was checking my blood sugar and thyroid so I'm guessing it's one of those things since we already knew my cholesterol and triglycerides are high. Oh well, I am not going to worry about it ...whatever will be will be. I'm off to get the granddaughters this am, we are going to plant petunias in my neighbors window box this morning. "Miss Katherine" will be 86 today, she is just the sweetest lady I know, and she loves flowers. Then a walk to the playground. Have a wonderful day! Pauette