what do you do for a living?

I have been working in law enforcement for coming up on 29 years. The first 14 years I was in dispatch even before there ever was E 911. E 911 came in I think in about 1992. There was 911 before that but most PD's did not have the enhanced version with the person's address coming up on a screen. For the last coming up on 15 years I have been in the record's division processing all the paperwork that a police officer creates. I am a big pusher - paper that is. I copy reports, make calls for info regarding misdemeanor, felony and traffic cases, file, data entry, create forms, make DVDs from squad cars, handle subpoenas, process parking tickets, take payments - you name it. Records is the repository for all paperwork in the PD. We have certain guidelines for handling it properly and our department is going for accredidation at the end of the year so EVERYTHING has to lined up just so. We have to have written policy for each and every task in the dept. Chris
Open RNY May 7