Tuesday Roll Call
Hi Everybody, I am bummed today. I went to see Dr. Hart for Pulmo clearance and even though the lungs are great, I have to go back fri. for a cpap fitting and then go back 6/2 for them to check the data from the cpap. Then... I can get a date for surgery. Of course, the 2nd week of june, all of the surgeons will be at a convention so now, the 3rd week of June is the soonest for a date and I am sure that by the time I get clearance, I will be looking at July.
Ok, I was finished with the whole 6 month deal APRIL 3rd and now I am potentially looking at end of June or beginning July !!! I am just soo frustrated !!!! I would cry, but since I havent been able to drink anything since 9am today, I have no tears ! (I am going for the abd ultrasound tonight, thats why I cant eat or drink right now )
Thanks for listening to me ramble. Guess I dont have to tell all of you that I am in need of some more patience !
Take care, Amy
A plan without action is a dream... Action without a plan is a nightmare...