Sunday Roll Call
Good morning everyone and hope you are having sun like I am in WI, though chilly. Dave and I are going back to the car show grounds in a short while. There were so many neat cars. Chevy must have sold a gazillion Belair's back in the late 50's because there are a ton of them here. By the way that car that goes in the water actually runs and I saw it in the parade. They are giving fire bucket rides and I want to go up and take a couple of pictures so one can view the massiveness of the amount of cars that are here. The car parade at the end of the day was neat to watch as they all left the grounds and cruised the main strip in Lake Delton. There will be another one today but earlier. Which is good because yesterday it rained. I was smart enough to take our rain ponchos with to dinner because it poured on the way back. We stayed relatively dry except our slacks but the room hair dryer took care of that. We go home tomorrow afternoon.
What is going on with all the rest of you? Hope you all are taking advantage of the one day left of the weekend and spending time for yourself or enjoying your family.
Open RNY May 7

Hi Lucy,
Sounds like you are experiancing the same pain that I had! The day after my surgery, I told my sister that I wanted the band out! I didn't care if I was fat. Thank god my sister didn't take me back to the hospital, because now it's great!!! Try a heating pad and a binder. When I turned on my side to sleep, I felt that my insides where hanging out. The bloated feeling started to go away after 5or 6 days. The pain around the port area will go away. I felt it was rubbing up against my ribs and it was an annoying feeling. You get used to the feeling. Lucy...I am so happy for you. You are someone that knows what they want and gets it done!!! By the end of the summer, those bikini's will be calling your name!!! And maybe we can go to Vegas together sometime and you can show me a few moves on the pole!!!!! Call me if you have any questions.