roll call saturday 5/17
GOOD MORNING ILLINOIS!! (why do i feel like robin williams saying that? ;)) i have to say that i feel 1000 times better today! the doctor's office said that my nausea was caused by my band being too tight and they prescribed reglan for me. it has helped soo much! thankfully b/c they gave me a deadline of 2pm on thursday or i would have to go to the ER for admission and get iv's fluids. they had me on protein shakes yesterday and even called to tell me that i could start pureed protein last night, which i did. yum! hahaha but seriously it was good and i feel like i am not so weak and i am certainly coming around. i have been keeping up my walks and am now able to drink what i need to as well. it's funny how all of the doctor's have different regimens, as you mentioned paul that you are just now on protein shakes. i had to do those for two whole weeks prior to surgery and so many people didn't have to. anyway, we all get great results right! i am now up to 22.5 lbs lost forever! woo hoo for me! I hope everyone has a great saturday!

Open RNY May 7
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning IL family.
Yay for you Karey, I am thrilled that you are feeling better!! It will just keep getting better now too. jus****ch. You're weight loss is awesome too!!
As for me, today is Jacob's 12th birthday! I made him some scambled eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast. (this way I could eat the same stuff! lol) Tyler was picked up at 7:30 for today's events at the sport's fest. he's running track and doing a tug o war, then it's a quick stop at home, change into baseball garb and off to a game. From there my ex will take the boys and then we'll meet later for dinner. (I am still not sure what I will do there) Do you know Mike hasn't even said Happy Birthday to Jacob yet. That bugs me, but oh well.
I have a terrible cold that has settled in my nose and into a cough, which is annoying my muscles that are still trying to heal!! This sucks. I will stop at Walgreens and get some Tylenol cold meds today as well.
That's my day in a least the sun is shining and looks like it will be a beautiful day!
Have a happy day everyone
Good morning Illinois (I always feel like Robin Williams also)!
I'm glad to hear many of you are feeling better. Lucy, I didn't have any pain after the band either, but I did drink tons of room temp water. I couldn't do cold for a while.
I took myself out to breakfast today at Cannoli Cafe while Kay went to a Master Gardener plant exchange. She will be outside all day. I'll probably take a nap. Do we see a pattern here? I wish I enjoyed working hard, but I hate it. I'd rather be here on OH!
Monday is support group again. I can't wait! I got the official email that gives us the room for the rest of the year! We do have a competition for rooms, but Monday night is not a big competitor, thank goodness.
I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weather! We'll be complaining about the heat soon enough!
BTW, for those of you *****ad the Register-Star, the couple quoted on gay marriage are our best friends and we have talked about going to California together to do this if the law stands.