roll call saturday 5/17

on 5/16/08 9:12 pm - Tinley Park, IL

GOOD MORNING ILLINOIS!! (why do i feel like robin williams saying that? ;))  i have to say that i feel 1000 times better today!  the doctor's office said that my nausea was caused by my band being too tight and they prescribed reglan for me.  it has helped soo much!  thankfully b/c they gave me a deadline of 2pm on thursday or i would have to go to the ER for admission and get iv's fluids.   they had me on protein shakes yesterday and even called to tell me that i could start pureed protein last night, which i did.  yum!  hahaha but seriously it was good and i feel like i am not so weak and i am certainly coming around.  i have been keeping up my walks and am now able to drink what i need to as well.  it's funny how all of the doctor's have different regimens, as you mentioned paul that you are just now on protein shakes.  i had to do those for two whole weeks prior to surgery and so many people didn't have to.  anyway, we all get great results right!  i am now up to 22.5 lbs lost forever!  woo hoo for me!  I hope everyone has a great saturday!

Lucy M.
on 5/16/08 9:28 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Karey. WOW, what an awesome weight loss! Congratulations. I'm glad that you got your nausea resolved. I'm having a lot of pain at the site of the port. I didn't know that it was going to hurt so much. I am not hungry at all. I have to force myself to have my clear liquids. I am having a problem with fluids as well, as I feel full all of the  time and then with the pain, I don't feel like drinking. I don't know if any of my fellow bandsters went through the same thing, but I would like to hear about your immediate post-op experience! I slept most of the evening and night. My sister and Mom are coming for a visit today. YAY!! I don't like to be alone much. I know that I didn't thank Willow yesterday. Thanks for being such a good friend and being there when I needed you! Hugs, Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


on 5/16/08 9:28 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Good morning everyone from sunny WI Dells and hopefully it will remain this way for the rest of the day. It is to be about 70ish today and breezey. Tomorrow is supposed to be chilly at about 60, oh well it is still spring. I am enjoying the pretty flowering trees one more time as they are still in full bloom and the lilacs are just budding out.  Last night we watched all the cars cruise by on Dells Prkwy which is the main road all the motels, waterparks and attractions are on and this road leads into the Dells from Lake Delton. Our motel and most of the water parks are really in Lake Delton. We brought our bag chairs and sat with everyone else until about 10pm watching them cruise by. There were a lot of neat cars and trucks. We even saw one of those cars that can go on both land and water go by on the back of a trailer. I have seen them on tv and in the movies but never in person. We are not "gear heads" but it was nea****ching them all go by. We are in for a treat to go past all of them at Noah's Ark water park where they will be displayed. There are a lot of neat classic cars but I got really tired of smelling the exhaust from them as many were burning oil. Tomorrow we will enjoy the cars again and then we will most likely take the Upper Dells boat tour. We like to do that at least once every few years and we have not done it for about 3 years. Don't worry they have heated boats and we also came prepared with warmer clothing. Going to get moving and start the day. We are going to walk about 3/4 of a mile for breakfast. We really do not want to move our car if we have to as the traffic is horrible and for now we have a perfect spot. We have access for food close by and with in walking distance and you know us we like to walk.  Chris

Open RNY May 7


Janet H.
on 5/16/08 9:46 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good moning my IL family, I am not doing much today, maybe some yard work and house cleaning  going to enjoy the sunny day, hope eveyone has a great day.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Paul L.
on 5/16/08 9:59 pm - Cary, IL
Good morning all.  We are going for Meredith's eighteen month pictures and a family shot as well.  I'll add it to my profile if I can.  Lucy, I had a little pain right after surgery and didn't want to drink either.  You must drink!  64 to 100 ounces a day!  I found that a heating pad was a God send.  Also, warm seemed to be a whole lot better than cold.  Luckily, it became a lot easier about 4 days after surgery.  I guess the swelling goes down at that point.  The incision pain didn't last very long at all.  My strips have completely fallen off and now it just itches at times.  Hang in there, all this will pass quickly.  Just keep sipping!  Have a great day and a great weekend.  Paul



Lisa Tucker
on 5/16/08 11:22 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Karey and the rest of Illinois.  I am so glad you are feeling better Karey. I agree with you, all the Drs. do thing different.  Lucy, I didn't have any pain with the lapband. You must drink as much as you can, try to increase it each day. Just follow the program that DR. G gave you. It sounds like Christine and Dave are enjoying thier weekend. Come to think of it, where is Christina? Janet, I am hoping for a do nothing day tomorrow, except I will be going to the GD birthday dinner tomorrw evening.  Today is laundry, laundry and more laundry. Then I have to go to a wake . Never my favorite thing to do, especially on a nice day like today.   DH has most of the veggie garden in, and I am working on one flower bed that I haven't touched in 2 years or more. Did I say over growth? I am sure it will look good when I get it done. I have a flat of flowers to put in it. Heres hoping everyone has a good weekend. HUGS


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 5/16/08 11:37 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning IL family.

Yay for you Karey, I am thrilled that you are feeling better!!  It will just keep getting better now too.  jus****ch.  You're weight loss is awesome too!!

As for me, today is Jacob's 12th birthday!  I made him some scambled eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast.  (this way I could eat the same stuff! lol)  Tyler was picked up at 7:30 for today's events at the sport's fest.  he's running track and doing a tug o war, then it's a quick stop at home, change into baseball garb and off to a game.  From there my ex will take the boys and then we'll meet later for dinner.  (I am still not sure what I will do there)  Do you know Mike hasn't even said Happy Birthday to Jacob yet.  That bugs me, but oh well.

I have a terrible cold that has settled in my nose and into a cough, which is annoying my muscles that are still trying to heal!!  This sucks.  I will stop at Walgreens and get some Tylenol cold meds today as well.

That's my day in a least the sun is shining and looks like it will be a beautiful day!

Have a happy day everyone



on 5/16/08 11:40 pm - Orland Park, IL
Good morning Robin, I mean Karey and Illinois! Glad to see your feeling much better today. Congrats on the 22.5 pounds lost! Lucy you too will feel better in a few days. The port site incision is the largest one and takes a little longer to heal. Did you get the realize band? If you did the port actually has little hooks that attach itself to the muscle, I think its the muscle.  Christine and Dave, Enjoy yourself at the Dells!  Janet, I would let you come to my house to do yard work but the complex has landscapers! Enjoy your time in the sun. Paul, family pictures are what I need as my family is growing by leaps and bounds. I'm getting to the point that I can't keep up. I really need to find a job. Please post your pix if you can. Lisa, I didn't help Janet with her laundry so I guess I can't help you with yours. Isn't it amazing how quickly the hamper gets filled? There must be laundry gremlins running around this state! Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out...if I did I'm sorry.... Have a wonderful day and get out and enjoy the sunny day!

Lucy M.
on 5/17/08 8:55 am - Conway, SC
Carol, I did get the realize band. I know this because I got the registration card to carry with me. Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it. Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


birder I.
on 5/17/08 2:57 am, edited 5/17/08 2:57 am - Rockford, IL

Good morning Illinois (I always feel like Robin Williams also)!

I'm glad to hear many of  you are feeling better. Lucy, I didn't have any pain after the band either, but I did drink tons of room temp water. I couldn't do cold for a while.

I took myself out to breakfast today at Cannoli Cafe while Kay went to a Master Gardener plant exchange. She will be outside all day. I'll probably take a nap. Do we see a pattern here? I wish I enjoyed working hard, but I hate it. I'd rather be here on OH!

Monday is support group again. I can't wait! I got the official email that gives us the room for the rest of the year! We do have a competition for rooms, but Monday night is not a big competitor, thank goodness.

I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weather! We'll be complaining about the heat soon enough!


BTW, for those of you *****ad the Register-Star, the couple quoted on gay marriage are our best friends and we have  talked about going to California together to do this if the law stands.


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