Friday Roll Call

Paul L.
on 5/15/08 8:51 pm - Cary, IL
Good Morning all my beautiful friends!!!  We made it to the weekend!  I was glad to see that Lucy did good and is back on the bench.  I know that this week has seen some setbacks for several of our family, but Spring is here and with all the prayers flying around, I believe evrybody will be better befor you know it.  I'm continueing to lose and I've moved to pudding and protein shakes without any difficulty.  I'm still dreaming about tuna, but I'll survive another week without.  Several people have contacted me for information about the Mexican experience, and it has been fun to share my information and story.  If there are others who have questions, please feel free to PM me.  I have three weeks of travel (2 business, 1 vacation) in June and I'm starting to get into the planning mode.  Luckily, that should be the end of all the road work.  Have a great day everybody, and start thinking about a wonderful weekend!  Paul



birder I.
on 5/15/08 9:36 pm - Rockford, IL

Good morning Illinois!

I am off to an early meeting at work and then I hope to get in some knitting this afternoon. I've got some planning to do for the workshop I mentioned in the previous post.

I hope that all of you who are recovering will have an easy day today, with no pain and lots of rest.

If you can get outside it looks like it will be a beautiful day!



Janet H.
on 5/15/08 9:45 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Paul and the rest of IL, for me today I am going to P.T. then take my Hubby lunch, after that maybe home, unless I find something else to do or go. Paul you are doing so good.   hope everyone else has a great day. and enjoy the sun,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Lisa Tucker
on 5/15/08 10:09 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning.  It seems everyone has some plans for today. Today is my day to play Merry Maid around the house. Then gofer.I definitly need to get a hair dryer today. I threw away the one I had. it would work for a few minutes, then get overheated and turn off. I cannot go out with one side of the hair nice, and one side in ringlets. I decided to give GD money for her birthday, plus a little something to open. She will be going on her class trip on Wed. to the Museum of Science and  Industry. This is about a 3 hour trip from Bloomington. Then we are going on vacation June 1.  When DH got up this morning, he said that we had had a light frost durning the night. Not happy about that. It looks like spring, the calendar saids its spring, do ya think we will ever see the spring temps? Hugs


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 5/15/08 10:52 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Friday Morning to my much loved OH family!

Well the kids are off of school today and I was hoping to sleep in later than 7am....didn't happen.  Tyler is participating in a big Sports Festival today from 9-3 and his friend's mom picked him up at 7:20am to get to the school on time and of course I woke up when he came downstairs at 6:45am.  Oh well.  I also woke up with a scratchy throat and a stuffed nose.  I am probably finally getting what Jacob was battling for almost 2 weeks.  Lucky me!  I have to call the Dr's office and see what I can use for colds. 

I am going to take a shower here in a bit and then redress my stoma (what is a stoma anyway??) and then maybe go watch Tyler play softball for a while.  I will do a lot of resting today as well. 

Tomorrow is a big day here...Tyler does sports fest again from 9-12 (this time running track and doing a tug o war) and then he's got a baseball game from 12-2...then my ex will take the boys and later on in the evening we will all meet for dinner because it's my baby's 12th birthday!!  Yep, Jacob is going to be 12 tomorrow already!  wow.  This is the first year that I don't have him with me all day on his birthday too.  He's not happy, but he'll live with it.  I am going to be taking him to Great America sometime at the end of July/beginning of Aug for his birthday.  He won a free ticket at school and it's only $40 if  I buy mine online.  I told him that I just needed to be healed and able to walk all day long by

Okay enough already....time to start my day I guess.

Have a great sunny day family!!  love to all!
PS:  who's closet is Barry stashed in again ladies??  hmmmm come on.....



on 5/15/08 11:15 pm - Rock City, IL
Maybe what you have is a hematoma?   The stoma is the opening/connection from your pouch to your intestines. Hope you have a better day today.  You really should rest up for that busy day tomorrow!  I thought my family were the only ones running around like chickens with our heads cut off!


Tell someone that you love them!

Monica G.
on 5/15/08 11:21 pm - North Aurora, IL
I thought the stoma was something to do with the pouch.  Dr R explained it like this.  It's when fluid builds up under the healed incision and then had to come out, causes a fluid filled blister like...ahh heck whatever it is, will heal just fine.  lol



on 5/16/08 6:34 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
A hemotoma is a bruise under the skin and a seroma is an infection under the skin and subcatanious (sp?) layers of the skin.

Open RNY May 7


on 5/19/08 3:03 am - Aurora, IL

Hey Monica,

You have a ceroma.  It is a fluid filled  area much like a blister in your incision.  I had one when I had the c-section with the twins.  It is pretty common with overweight people, and with multiple surgeries.  It will get better I promise.


Nothing tastes as good as thin feels......

Banded 3/15/07  Loyola University Medical Center
Sharfi Sarker M.D.
4th  fill   8.7 CC in 10 cc VG  Band

on 5/15/08 11:27 pm - Rock City, IL
Good morning Paul and the rest of Illinois! I am working today, as usual, but I was late as Todd's car broke down AGAIN yesterday on his way to work.  It overheated and blew antifreeze all over the highway.  I just wish he would get a new one and be done with it.  So, we are back to one vehicle, which means a lot of extra running around. Since that is the case though, I will get to hang out with him tonight and watch his softball game.  We have both kids busy with activities, so I don't have to run home to check on them.  That will be nice, as I don't get to see him play much anymore. Todd forgot to take the camera last night to get a photo of David in the pink tiara, too bad.  Since I was going to buy him a razor for his birthday, one of the guys here at work suggested that I get him a pink one to go with the tiara.  I got him a pack of the really cheap pink ones as a joke and he thought it was hillarious once he realized that I was kidding.  For a moment there, he thought he was really going to learn to shave with a pink razor!!!! It looks like we are having a big fire party in the backyard tomorrow night.  David will invite some friends for his birthday and my closest neighbor's birthday is actually tomorrow and Todd's sister and her family are also coming out.  Rock City will be rockin'! I am thinking of everyone that is recovering and needing thouhgts and prayers. I'm with Lisa...........will it EVER warm up?


Tell someone that you love them!

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