Finally home from ABMC/Dr R
Wow, what a day I have had. Went to my appt this morning, turns out I have a stoma, no biggie. He lanced it, packed it a little, told me not to take the meds, it's not infected and to go see Karyn in 1 1/2 week. I lost another 2 pounds since May 6th! woohoo
THEN....I ask him about that lump they found on the CT scan in the ER way back when. He tells me that as long as I am there, why don't they try to call down to mammo and get me in. okay they do. well they must have taken at least 15 pictures of my boobs, making me wait and sit in between each set, then then send me for an ultrasound....
YES there is definately a mass there and I have to have a biopsy done of it in the next couple of weeks to make sure it's not cancer! Isn't this great news?? (said sarcastically of course)
I am a nervous wreck and honestly keep wondering what I did to deserve all of this.....
Thank you Janet. I need all the prayers I can get at this point.
I am also dealing with an ungrateful 14 yr old now too. He's upset because I cannot afford the paintball party that I told him he could have. I didn't anticipate being out of work and having all these complications. but he's a teenager and they tend to think only of themselves at times I guess. oh well
Thank you Dawn. I guess when it rains it pours here lately, but ya know what? I will be okay no matter what! I have never been a religious person other than believing, but I have decided it's time for me to put this into the Lord's hands. I am going to find a church near here that I am comfortable at and start going. Even if I have to go alone.
I just can't handle everything on my own anymore ya know?
Love ya too!