Struggling - Advice Needed!
Hoping you may all have some advice.
One of the things I'm really struggling with post-op is my lack of a social life. My friends all want to go and do something but:
I don't want to go to a restaraunt yet
I have no desire to go to a bar right now
I can't sit thru a movie right now and not be pissy about not having popcorn
I am not going to go shopping b/c it's stupid to buy new clothes for myself.
I'm also still struggling w/ low blood pressure, so I can't do too much physical activity without feeling like I'm going to pass out (Shopping at Meijers this weekend, I saw stars by the time I got to checkout and had to sit down immediately).
I don't "do" resting well. I am a get up and go type person. I'm DYING to take my kids to the zoo, but I know I can't do that right now b/c I can't keep up with them and would need to sit too much.
I miss the FUN me..... and don't know how to find her again!
Advice is welcome! I need all the help I can get!
Hi Denise,
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. I am sure that the FUN you is still are just having a little down time...and it is understandable. Heck, you've made a HUGE change in your life and you need time to get used to new habits, etc.
I don't have any sage wisdom or advice other than to give yourself some breathing room....don't be so hard on DENISE....I bet she is a pretty fabulous person.
take care,

Hi Denise, I think what you are feeling and going thru is pretty normal. From what i read and people I talk to,its like there is all of this build up of waiting and excitement for the surgery and then for the 1st few weeks after, when you are still recovering and not feeling 100%, its kind of like a let down. I would say just try to take it day by day. I know it is so hard with little kids because you feel guilty for not playing,running enough...but just think how much better you are going to feel everyday.Think of how great you will feel come July 4th ! The fun you is still there, she is just healing right now from re-arranging her insides !
You will be back, 110%- guaranteed !! Take care, Amy

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