Good morning Marilyn and my Illinois family!
Today I'm thinking of Lucy as she heads off to surgery to get her red band with black lace! I really liked that one Paul and I'm sure Lucy will too! After I'm done on the computer this morning my friend and I are going to a subdivision garage sale. We will be able to shop and walk, then off to lunch.
I hope those of you who are having problems today get them resolved quickly.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone! Things have been very busy around here the past 2 weeks. My oldest son had a Karate tournament this past Saturday, and placed 2nd and 3rd! I am so proud of him!
I have been just been trying to prepare myself as much as possible for all of this. My surgery is in 2 weeks, I can't believe how fast the time has gone! I am still not feeling at all nervous, I am wondering when that will all hit me. (I'm hoping it's not the night before! lol)
I hope everyone is doing well!!
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Afternoon ,
This is my first chance to come here today. Our busy season at work is over in 2 weeks,but someone forgot to tell our clients as of yet. I wil find out on the 30th if I wil beworking this summer or not. I know I will work part of July, but the rest is up for grabs.
I am going to a home decor party this afternoon. It will be the first time in a few years since I have been to one. It is right next door to me, so I won't have to drive.
The only plans I have for this weekend is a wake on Saturday, then a birthday party for our GD (she will be 10) on sunday afternoon. Now, if this weather will only clear.
Lucy should be in her room by now, has anyone heard anything yet?
Heading for home,