Good morning all of Illinois...Thinking of Lucy this morning for her surgery..she is in my prayers...I got alot accomplished today I am just going to pamper myself and I have about 5 books to read so I better get started. I am feeling really good and its 3 o'clock in the morning...I have a doctors appointment on monday to get my labs done with my pcp. I am looking forward to it because I have been taking my 3 blood pressure pills a day and it is lowwwww. Hopefully I get taken off some of my meds. While you are all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..I am thinking of everyone and you are in my prayers. I mailed my secret pals gifts out
..with a couple of cards
Thinking of you my secret Pal
....hoping everyone has done the same. Blessings to eveyone..when you all wake up I'll be sleeping...
Have a beautiful day!!!!!
Love Marilyn
Hi everyone!
We had our 6 month psych appointments yesterday which we found very helpful. Hadn't met this woman before, but what she had to say made sense! Will write more about that soon.
Dawn, the Flower Factory: go south on 14 from the beltline to A which is just past Oregon. Turn left on A and it's a few miles on your left. You can't miss it. Right now it is open from 9-7 during the week. It is all perennials. I sat under a tree and read while Kay shopped!
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Marilyn and the rest of my IL family.
Well today I head off to see Dr R about this "hole" in my incision on my belly now. I don't get why it opened up after being completely healed and sealed already. Hopefully it's just something easy to fix it. I also have to talk to him about the meds they gave me. They are NOT going down so he's gonna have to give me something different.
Other than that, I have nothing planned until Tyler gets home from school, then me and him are heading over to Fox Valley Paintball to talk to them about his birthday/grad party he wants. I have NO idea how expensive it is and I have a limit. His dad, my ex, is going to split the cost with me though, so that's helpful.
Nothing else really on the adgenda today, my belly is a little sore so I will rest. The boys are off of school tomorrow and Saturday is my baby's 12th birthday!!
have a happy day everyone!