I swear, if it wasn't for BAD luck, I would have NONE
Remember my post this morning about the umbilical hernia...well forget that idea. I touched the big lump on my incision by my belly button this afternoon and whooooo**** gushed this gross smelling yellowish fluid and then blood tinged after a while. Of course I called the office right away and I talked with Judy. She called in an antibiotic for me and I have a 9:30am appt in Elk Grove with Dr Rantis tomorrow morning.
Everytime I move or get too close to it, it gushes again, and when it's done, it seals and fills itself back up. It's so gross. When I clean it after it gushes there is a literal hole in my incision!
Go freaking figure...can I not catch a break here sometime soon? I am getting really depressed again...I know it's just a minor thing, but everything is just adding up
Thank you Lisa. It just seems like I get ahead and then something sets me back again. Judy, the nurse, wanted me to come in this afternoon but didn't want to wait for me to get there. So tomorrow it is!
I just picked up my meds and they are these HUGE pills...I am not sure I'll be able to get them down...I have trouble with the little colace ones. We shall see I guess.
Lisa, I keep meaning to ask you, are you the person who called me in the hospital and I had to hang up on you practically?? I was really short and didn't talk long??

Ronna, if I end up back in the hospital, they need to just admit me to the psych ward.....I'm not kidding. I don't think it's that bad though really. I think it just needs to be cleaned out and watched. Though I just tried to take the horse pill, cut in 1/2, and it came back up, it got stuck. I'll have to talk to Dr R about what else they can give me....
Thanks for the compliment on the avitar, I am still at 27 lbs lost, never to be found. Do you know how I would get it to be not so fuzzy??
