Wednesday Roll Call
Good Morning Paul and my IL Family, Paul have a safe trip to DC today, congrats on you lost so far. It is such a great ride,
Christine and Dave have fun it the Dells this weekend. I am going up their the first week in June with some friends for a over nigth trip. It will be 4 of us ladys doing the girly thing.
Karen enjoy your dinner tonight and be nice to your Daughters MIL.
Lisa I know about the water thing I too have a addiction to the crystal lights and I hate the taste of water anymore.
Kim you are always keeping busy , Enjoy you party tonight. My HD. also hates when I have partys. the last one was a Mary Kay Party and he just goes in the bedroom and watches tv. and stays clear of us.
Dawn How funny making the boys wear a pink tiara I bet he is just going to love it.
Well maybe not him but the others are going to get a laugh out of it.
Lucy wishing you luck tomorrow and for today do get to far for the
Carol do you want to come over and doing my
Monica glad you are doing better now. Getting a hair cut always makes me feel better.
And for me I am off to PT. for my back, and then home to do my
unless Carol want's to do mine too.
talk to you all later.

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Hi Paul and the rest of Illinois...
Paul you made me laugh so hard I almost ^$W$$W my pants. Don't worry though we will never get to 23 pounds. that I an under control..I am on my way to post office to mail out my May gift to my secret pals!!!!
I have so much to get done today, so wishing everyone a beautiful and Blessed day...