Wednesday Roll Call
Open RNY May 7

Good Morning to all! I am busy today working Maddie's field day at school and then making 25 graduation hats for the kindergarten to wear next Friday! I've been stuck between 182 and 183 for the pat two weeks, so I called and I'm getting my second fill next Wed. People are starting to notice my weight loose! Good news...I've been voted in PTO president for next school year! I am soo excited! If anyone has some great idea's, please send them my way. Tonight I am having a Pamperd Chef party, so I have to come home today and clean the house and prepair the food. My husband hates these parties. He will be home for it to. He has hostage training all this week, so he can hang w/ us tonight. I will be thinking of Lucy today as she sits on the pot all day! hahaha
I hope everyone else is having a good day! kim

Good Morning Paul and the rest of my IL family!
Paul, I just love reading your posts, they always make me smile and remind me to remember the good side to all of this. I did laugh out loud at the baby Jesus comment and my dogs looked at me like I was nuts! lol
As for me today, I am going to try and do some very light cleaning and then possibly work on some homework which I am SO far behind on. I am home alone with the poochies today so it's nice.
Yesterday I had a full and fun day. I went to surprise a friend at her work and visited with her for about an hour, then I ran to Ace for some things. I came home took a short nap and when Jacob got home we went to Wal Mart and bought some things for me and I also got my hair cut. It's now shoulder length again. I love it. After that we picked up Tyler from school because the track meet he was helping at was cut short due to the lightening we had. We got home and just ate dinner and watched tv. It was a good day and a tiring one, but I did it and felt great!
Tyler is supposed to have baseball practice tonight but it will all depend on the weather and how wet the field is. I have no other plans for today.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
Good morning! I will be thinking about all you surgery and post surgery folks today. I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing OK.
Paul, your comment about Baby Jesus was so funny! There is a family near me who decorate for every holiday. They have a set up at Thanksgiving with two Pilgrims and a turkey in the middle. We call it "Mary and Joseph with the baby turkey". Hope this doesn't offend anyone. You have to laugh at life to stay sane.
Kay and I go to Madison today for the 6 mo check up with the psychologist. With the cost of gas, I'm getting tired of running up there. I'm thinking of not making an appointment until the year checkup unless I need a fill. Right now, I'm about as full as I can take. I wish I had a bit more restriction, but I couldn't quite tolerate 9ccs. At least we get to go the same days instead of two trips!
Then we are going flower shopping. I'm taking a book!
Have a great day!