Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning Paul and all of Illinois...Paul I am so glad for you that things are getting better for you...and knowing you have a Dr.
Thinking of Karey today....(((Karey))).
I also have Jenn on my mind..and in my prayers (((Jenn)))
Lisa My Angel
Thanks for thinking of me with the secret pal stuff.I truly am trying my best to see to it that everyone completes there commitment. I am so glad things are looking up for those who have not heard anything from there pals..Whew
Thanks to Dawn for her ROD I made her dessert for Mothers day it was awesome..everyone had it..I am gathering her collection for my file. Thanks again Dawn for taking the time to share them with all of us. Dee hope your doing ok you are in my prayers...My dear sweet Lucy you are in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming event..becoming a lapbander this thursday..yeah for Lucy!!!!
Today I am going to raise my time on the treadmill to 5 minutes longer..I will be at 20 minutes..
although I still go at a slow pace..
I am reading a new book by Dave Ramsey.."The Total Money Makeover"...trying to get our finances in better shape...I have read 2 books from my seret pal..That are just awesome..From The King
..and To my Princess ...such uplifting reading..I am reading them for the 2nd time..I keep them by my chair side so they are at hand all the time. They get me through each day.
On June 8th our association pool opens..I am looking so forward to that..I just love swimming
although I look awful in a bathing suit..I am so self concious oh well looking forward to the day when I will feel comfortable about myself maybe even in a Bikini..NOT..
..What a beautiful sunny day looking out the
window.my best to everyone and you and your families are in my daily prayers...

oh ((Marilyn)) Thank you so much for thinking of me and for your prayers! I have been so busy... I just made it on here today the first time in a few days... I see a few people have had surgery, and dear Lucy has surgery tomorrow! I think of all my Illinois friends often and pray for you all almost daily! I missed my support group last night, but I had plans to cook supper for my Pastor and his wife and bring it to them their son had minor surgery yesterday, and my Serenity has been staying with them as well! Things are looking up! Praise the Lord! God is SO good! Even in the Storms! Today was a Beautiful day the sun was shining I loved it! I had a beautiful Mother's Day! I spent the night at my mom's house on Saturday and bless her heart she fell asleep about 10 minutes after I got there! That's ok I got to hang out with my sister! I came home early in the morning to flowers and cards from my kids and my husband... We went to church and Serenity spent the day with us too... we went to lunch as a family... I went back to my mom's and went out to dinner with her and my sister... I really enjoyed my day! I hope everyone else did as well! Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers they mean SO much to me! Love Jenn

Before/Current 427/235
Good morning Illinois!!! Today is day 7 of my liquid diet. I am diabetic and on medicine. This morning i got up, took my meds, had some apple juice, and became very sick, throwing up, and light headed. I can tell this is going to be one of those days. For all of youout there, have any suggestions how to get through the next week? I have my surgery on the 20th, but thinking of doing this and feeling like this for another 7 days makes me just want to quit sometimes. Im not really hungry, I have really seen where I was giving into head hunger since I have started this, I can now tell myself, no I am not hungry, I just think I am. Its still a struggle, but so worth it. ANy suggestions anyone? Thanks!!!
I know what you mean, I'm on the 11th day of my post-op liquid diet! But the good news is that I'm totally off all meds and my blood sugar numbers are normal! Now as to your problem, most don't realize that juice is pure liquid sugar. Even pure juice. Sugar is not easy to digest, and that combined with meds makes for a nasty tummy. As hard as it is, I would suggest sticking to veggie juices, non-caffine tea and other non-sugar liquids. You may also want to spread out your meds if that is an option. That way your digestive system can work on one challenge at a time. I hope this helps. Paul
I hope that as you read this you are feeling better.
The 2nd week of my pre-op diet I felt better.
The first week I would get headaches off and on.
Head hunger is a real thing...I find there are times when I'm standing and looking into the refrigerator. Don't ask what I'm looking for because I'm not even hungry.
Then I talk to myself and go do a crossword puzzle or something else to take my mind off of eating. Good luck and feel better.
Thanks so much guys!! I actually started to feel better then went bad again. Ended up with an upset tummy, diarreaha ( sorry), and the bad shakes. Checked my blood sugars, and they were a 111. Really good for me. So, Paul, with the juice, I have the apple juice that is sweetened with splenda, is that still bad? If so, I'll def stop drinking that. I figured splenda, it was ok, but the way it hit me today, I am assuming not huh? You guys on here have been a big help. I usually just lurk with an occasional posting, but now that my big day is getting closer, this site comes in very handy. Thanks all, and I hope you guys have a good day today!! Tracy
Pure fruit juice is still a very high sugar drink. The sugar is from the fruit itself. So even apple juice that is just squeezed apples is high in natural sugar, that's why it tastes to yummy. But then many companies decide to make it even sweeter with either sugar (bad) or splenda (not as bad). To give you an example, an apple is 21 grams of carbs (including the skin), but 8 ounces of unsweetened apple juice is 29 grams of carbs. Since most people drink between 12 and 16 ounces at a time, the juice adds up to 44 to 58 grams of carbs! That's basically the same as a can of Coke! I'm not sure of the exact count, but I think 8 ounces of tomato juice is around 8 grams of carbs. Be careful though, some veggies like carrots, can be loaded with carbs as well. Carrot juice is 17 grams of carbs per 8 ounces!
wow, thanks Paul. I never knew apples had that high of carbs. I guess I need to do some more research on what Im drinking and eating. I'm feeling better now. Had some pepto. Its funny, I love the taste of pepto, so it was like eating a xcandy bar,LOL. Wow, we get weird on this stupid liquid diet,lol.