Monday Morning Roll Call
I have never had a kidney stone but have know 2 people who have and they said it was horrible pain when it passed. I hope it won't be that bad for you!! I am glad that you figured it out though.
Yay that you can get in all your water! I still can't get in my 64oz yet.
I am like you with the scale, though I have been good and haven't weighed myself in almost a week now. lol
Hi Michelle,
I'm sorry about your mom, I can't even begin to imagine. Both of my parents are alive and kicking and very healthy for the most part, so I have no idea what others go through, just know that you are in my prayers sweetie.
You are not kidding about me and my bad luck huh? Even the Dentist yesterday was saying how sorry she was that this was happening. She said it was possible that the abcess started while I was going through the surgeries and all but my body "ignored" it because of everything else going on and now that my body is healing so well from surgery, Wham! the abcess took over. Hopefully it's gone and this jaw pain will stop in a day or two. I can't even open my mouth far to eat....probably not a good thing since yesterday I only ate about 100 calories all day....
Dawn, your Mother's Day sounds like it turned out nice. I felt really bad though because Jacob had asked his dad for some money to buy me something and the asked Mike to take him somewhere to get me something and neither of them did. Jacob felt really bad because Tyler made me a teddy bear in Home Ec in school and Austyn made me something in school and Jacob didn't have anything to "give" me. I settled his mind though last night after everyone else went to bed and it was just me and him on the couch. I told him that all the money in the world couldn't buy what he's done for me since I've been home.
Anyway, you are right, my luck has got to get better soon right? It's not just me....I was just starting to really feel good after surgery and starting to feel somewhat normal again and then WHAM, this tooth problem. I know they say that the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle and I guess I should be grateful that He feels I am strong enough for it all. I think I want to start going to church on Sundays even if no one wants to go with me. Okay enough....have a great day!!
Hello friends!
Glad to see everyone seems to have turned the corner to better days, less pain, etc. With the lovely sunshine today life seems more positive and hopeful!
My daughter called last night and we had a long phone conversation. She lives in Carbondale where she is a Special Ed teacher. It was fun talking to her. Also got phone calls from two of my "chosen family" here in Rockford. They did better than the bio family. Didn't hear from either son, but that is par for the course.
Did some knitting this weekend. I'm thinking about knitting a lace shawl to take to Europe. We'll see if I can figure out the design. I picked a bamboo yarn. It is incredibly soft!
I signed up for the Walk Across America which started yesterday. If I don't pick up the pace, I won't get anywhere. I wish I could motivate myself to walk, walk, walk but I seem to be a disaster in that area. Since I know you'll check on my, I commit to extra walking today.
Hi to All. I know this is kinda late, but it has been a busy morning. Had to take mom to the lung doctor and run around like crazy for work. I had a wonderful Mothers Day. I went to lunch with all 4 of my boys, my mom, my sister, 1 neice and 2 nephews. We all went to see a movie afterword and I ate too much popcorn, couldn't resist. I start bowling on a league tonight with my 2 youngest and DH. That should be interesting because I stink at it and my 11 year old hasn't bowled since the bumper days. My 14 year old is very good, his highest game was a 263 and he bowls on lots of leagues and on the varsity team for school. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I keep it on the lanes and not break or strain anything tonight! Have a great day! Theresa, Rockford