Sunday Roll Call

Barry C.
on 5/11/08 9:33 am - Oak Brook, IL
Hey all, yeah I am still here, just been really REALLY busy lately.  So let me catch ya all up.  Well last Thursday I finally did something I have wanted to do for over a decade.  I got a tattoo of my own design.  I have always been scared of needles, but as I look at where my life has been and one thing I have done is facing fears and all.  I am glad I did it and I am even thinking getting another (I am trying to design one with the Japanese character for father, then Meghan's name in Katakana of her name). I have also been helping my aunt and uncle pack up their place.  They are moving to Phoenix, so I know where I will be next spring for my vacation.  SOX SPRING TRAINING!!!!! Also we had a death in the family.  My BIL's mom passed away after a year of fighting liver cancer.  She passed at home surrounded by her family, while she slept.  This woman is truly an inspiration in the way she faced death with dignity and grace.  When she was diagnosed they said it was terminal, and she took everything the cancer threw at her with the aforementioned grace and dignity.  She will really be missed. I have also been trying to find ways to meet new people (namely single women) with out much luck.  So I am trying to figure that one out, but being out of the dating scene for so long, and the bar scene just isn't good for me to meet people.  I NEED HELP HERE!!!  Hahahahahaha. Ok that is a rough recap of what has been going on with me.  Happy Mother's Day to all you moms.  Enjoy your day and just remember us dads are next :)

Wendi W.
on 5/11/08 9:46 am - Waukegan, IL

Hey Barry!!! First I must have missed the post, but congratulations on hitting the century mark.  Second, I hope you post a picture of your tattoo, as I would like to see it.  As far as meeting single women, I do not know what to tell you as I have been married way too long.  Besides, I picked up my DH in a bar.


Monica G.
on 5/11/08 10:06 am - North Aurora, IL

I am jealous, I love Arizona.  My sister and bil lived in and around Phoenix for 9 years before moving back here to be with family again.  I loved spending my spring breaks there (I was still in school for a while) 

Please post pics of your tattoo....I am way too chicken to do something like that, though with everything I have been though you would think that would be the least of the  pains for me huh? lol

As for meeting single women...don't ru**** that's what I say.  You have to be super careful now because you have Meghan to think about as well.  Let me tell you from personal experience, step families are HARD.  Take your time and someone will come into your life when you least expect it.  Somehow, I don't think you'll have a problem.



Barry C.
on 5/11/08 10:18 am, edited 5/11/08 10:18 am - Oak Brook, IL
Ok I am now responding to my own post, but here is a link to my Flickr account of the tattoo.  It was fresh at that point.  I believe it was under 5 minutes after it was done.  Now you all have that I can design. I have heard that once you get one you want more, and yeah I have to say that is accurate.  Monica, it isn't too bad, if you want to get one, just make sure it is in a meaty part (muscle area) not a bony part.  I can also recommend a place and the artist.  He was great.

on 5/11/08 12:45 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Paul and All, I flew home from Chicago last night around 0930pm. I had to fly to Chicago on Thursday night for a Funeral on Friday. I wasnt going to come but I felt guilty not comming. I didnt want my daughter have to attend the funeral on my behalf so I decided at the last minute to come there. I was there for not even 48 hours.  I did manage to go to a few consignment stores and did some damage though. Today I worked and we were busy I couldnt believe we wooud cout as much hair as we did today. I worked till 430pm then I packed up the picnic and went to the beach and hung out with my cousiins for a while. I hope my secret Pal got her card in the mail a few days back.  Carla
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