Looks like I will be....
spending my Mother's Day at an emergency dental clinic I found up in Buffalo Grove that is open tomorrow to have a root canal. Fun huh? I bet you are all jealous of me!!
this pain that I have had this afternoon and this evening has had me in tears most of the time. I take the Lortab and it only works for about 2 hours at the most and the pain is back full force and I can't take anything else then, it's too early. I have never in my life had a toothache this bad and I have had some doozies.
If I don't get on here tomorrow you will all know why....
I feel terrible for my kids though, they were excited about Mother's Day this year. I told them we'd celebrate it another day.
Have a fun and wonderful Mother's Day everyone!!
Revision on 04/19/13
Monica, I am so sorry you have to go thur this. I know from experience how bad it can get. I was always like you, hating the dentist, must of been something that happened when I was younger. Take care of it, you will fill better.