PCP in Rochelle,Dixon, or Rockford IL areas?
Can anyone recommend a sympathetic primary care physician that is in or near Rochelle,
(preferably one that’s in the
My wife (40) and I (37) live in
I currently weigh about 410 and have a BMI well over 50. I also have severe hypertension and sleep apnea. My wife has a BMI over 35 and has mild diabetes. We’ve both watched in wonder the stories of hundreds of people who have had the surgery successfully.
I’ve tried WW for about 8 months and I experienced the plateau effect - down to 350 for a little while, and then back up to 400. I tried a 24/7health club with a similar drop and then rebound. $15 weekly for either was just too much when combined with the rising costs of gas and simple groceries for 3 kids plus ourselves (our household gross income is less than 50K/year).
Like many, our trips to the doctor are often put off due to cash flow issues. Unfortunately even when we do go, our family doctors have never been willing to discuss weight loss beyond the absurd diets and methods from the 1970s (we’ve been through several PCPs). There aren’t enough hours in the day, and even though we both need weight loss surgery I can’t seem to find a PCP with an open mind to even begin the process. Aetna PPO requires the PCP to support the plan, and none of the docs we’ve had will even talk with us about it. (several have been openly insulting to us)
I already have the names of several bariatric surgeons in the Aetna PPO network.