Friday roll call!
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!

Good Morning Il family!
Today I don't plan on doing much, other than walking and maybe cleaning a little bit. I have a pulling on my left side, not horrible but naggy, it's from trying to sleep on that side I'm sure. It's the muscles I can tell. It's also the side they told me would do oh well. I can't wait til my life gets a little more exciting...that's for sure!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day, it's kinda gloomy here, not sure what it's gonna do yet....
I hope everyone have a wonderful Friday, yahoo it's the weekend!
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I am reposting from one roll call to this one but I want to add a good morning to everyone else from Illinois as well. I understand the nesting feeling. I put floor tiles down the day before surgery, It felt like I just had to have it done right away....Looked good though when I got home from the hospital. repost from the other Friday Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good morning.... Paul and Monica sounds like you are both doing great. It is an exciting time to get on the scales and see them going DOWN instead of up! I get excited with ever pound that see gone. My grandson paid me the best compliment this morning, I was in the car driving to the bus barn to go to wok when he said grandma your fat is leaving....I not understanding said WHAT ....he said well use to when you drove your belly could drive the car but now it dose not touch the wheel....I wanted to pull over and give this 6 yr old the biggest hug he ever had. I just said well thank you. I think I was floating on cloud nine. So guess thats the best Mothers Day gift I could have gotten!!! Best of luck to you both! Karen