on 5/8/08 2:26 am
Good Morning! I have done everything I need to do to get ready for the surgery. However, my biggest obstacle is that my insurance refuses to pay for any kind of surgery that involves weight loss. They do not even cover any weight loss medications either or preventative care. I have gone rounds and rounds with my insurance and was told that it is not that they can not cover this procedure or any procedure but that the problem lies w/my employer because my employer has specified a clause in their contract w/the insurance company that they will not cover any weight loss procedures, medication, or anything! I am at my wit's end, depressed, devestated....confused and just sad. I have contacted my local county office to apply for some kind of medical assistance even a suplemental insurance coverage or spend-down of some kind and I was told my family makes to much money. A friend of a friend told me to go on-line and apply for a medical loan. My problem is that I have no clue who would be the one to apply for or who is truly looking out for my best interest to provide me w/the best rates for this procedure. Has anybody ever applied for a medical loan?? Has anybody ever gotten help via a grant or anything? My health is getting worse and it is making it more difficult each day to deal with this. I have severe GERD, Plantar Facitis, bad ankles/knees from previous injuries and to add insult to injury I have hip problems from of none other an exercising accident. The pain in my feet is excrutiating and from trying to walk differently to compensate the pain I am reaggravating my old injuries w/my ankles and hip. please, if anybody has any information please respond!! thank you