Thursday Roll Call
Good afternoon Paul and the rest of Illinois!!!
I got in to work around 1:30 after taking David to Madison for his CT scan and visit with the Peds Stone Clinic. GOOD NEWS!!!!!! They saw no stones so he does not have to go back for another year. If things are still clear next year, he will not have to go back for 2 more years after that. THEN, he will be 18, and will not have to go to the PEDS clinic at all anymore. He will just follow up with a urologist, I guess. That is the plan as long has he has no further episodes of pain. He is very happy!
Paul, sorry to hear of the UTI, but you should be feeling better right away once you start the antibiotics.
I will be late again tomorrw as I go for my Upper GI. Wish me luck............
I hope everyone is having a spactacular day and can get out to enjoy the sunshine at some point.