Edit: OOPS I just saw that you are RNY! So maybe this isn't the right advice, but you can read it and decide!
Original: I will probably get flamed for this, but I would go to full liquids so you can get some protein! I have never had to do clear liquids ever. And if you look at what other docs do you will find that probably more than half don't require two weeks clear liquids. I had two weeks full liquids and then mushies. My doctor is in a Center for Bariatric Excellence and in the only one whi*****ludes two hospitals, so they really got a good looking over. This certification is not something you buy--it's based on quality and it is tough to get. It is important to listen to your doc but it is also important to listen to your body and you are the only one who lives there. His suggestions sound like RNY not band requirements and they aren't the same.