Monday Morning Roll Call

Monica G.
on 5/4/08 10:57 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning to my IL family.  Happy Cinco De Mayo to all who celebrate it too!

This weekend was not a good one for me,  not healthwise but Mike and Austyn wise.  I have decided that in order for me to heal properly without all the stress I have wiped my hands of Austyn and he is now totally Mike's responsibility.  He's lied to me, tricked me and disrespects me daily and I won't do it anymore.  This kid is only 10 (next month) and I cannot even begin to imagine what he will be like as a teenager if Mike keeps his ways up. 

Anyway, nothing really on the adgenda for today.  Jacob is staying home one more day, though I personally think he could go back.  He's got a lot of mucos an I think that's what is upsetting his stomach.  My neighbor got him some Mucinex yesterday and we're gonna see how that works.  I want to go for a walk again today, but coming home is dangerous....the dogs get SO excited and jump whenever I come home from anywhere
Yesterday, Phantom jumped on me and got me right by my incision and it hurt there for the rest of the night.  I have to figure something out, because I will not be a prisoner in my

Tomorrow I go to the Dr again for a checkup, have no idea what they will do this time.  Scars are a deep red, but all closed and healing very nicely.  I am so glad. 

I hope everyone has a nice and sunny day today!



on 5/4/08 11:11 pm - Orland Park, IL
Good morning Monica and Illinois! Great minds think alike, I was starting to post and checked before posting and there you were! I was thinking where was everyone, becuase usually I arrive here later than most. Monica, what if you tried getting the dogs to sit for a treat as you come in so that they don't jump on you?  Happy Birthday Lucy! Hope you are enjoying yourself in Arizona!  Maybe today we will hear from Paul. Nice that the missing Barry checked in yesterday.  I'm home alone again. MIL went home yesterday and today I must catch up on laundry and straightening up the house. I must also get out there and walk today. I need to make up for the  walks I missed last week. Hope you all enjoy the beautiful day!

Monica G.
on 5/4/08 11:55 pm - North Aurora, IL
Morning Carol, that's a good idea about the treats, I will try that when someone is here to help just in case it doesn't work.  lol
Usually they will do anything for treats!



on 5/4/08 11:15 pm - Rock City, IL

Good morning Monica! Great minds think alike, as I posted roll call too! Sorry to hear about Austyn and Mike.  I did that a while ago with Todd and the kids, but a little different.  I just told Todd that I was sick of always being the "bad cop" and it was HIS turn to handle all the dicsipline.  It opened his eyes for a minute there. seems that I am back to bing "bad cop" at least with Liv.  I swear that she ENJOYS making me mad, she does it so well and so often.  I don't have any other words of advise for you, I think you are handling it in the best way possible.  It is not an easy situation. You are good to understand that you need to take care of yourself right now, and looking to the future. I am excited for you to move onto the next stage of food tomorrow.  I will look up some good soft recipes.

That Mucinex work really well.  Hopefully, Jacob will be bach to normal soon.

Have a great day!


Tell someone that you love them!

Monica G.
on 5/4/08 11:57 pm - North Aurora, IL

Morning Dawn,  yes you sorta know what I'm going through here, we've talked about it.  Like I said though, right now I don't need the added stress, I need to heal. 

Can you also believe that Mike was looking for a job for me yesterday???  I told him that when I felt ready and well enough, I would find my own job thank you very much!  I just can't believe him sometimes.  Leaving the discipline up to him wouldn't work, he just wouldn't do it.  Well he does with TYler and Jacob, but not Austyn.  oh well.  We shall see what the future will bring.



Lisa Tucker
on 5/4/08 11:50 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning to Monica and everyone else. I can't offer you any advice Monica, since my kids are probly older then many on the board here. But, I can agree with you. This is your time to heal and think about yourself first.  The sun is out, and it is nice, not warm yet, but getting there. I am in my windowless office today, so, the only way I can see the sun would to go out of my office and across the floor. The other 2 offices I use, The windows are right in the room. I was able to plant a flat of Marigolds yesterday. I have one more to go, to pot in large pots. Those will go around the pool. Today after work, I need to go a friends house. Her 18 year old Grandson committed suicide yesterday . It was over the fact that his "girlfriend", went ot Prom with someone else. A tragic waste of life. Then, this same friend, found out yesterday that her Mother has less then 2 weeks to live. I will try to do as much as I can for her. Hugs to all,


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 5/5/08 12:01 am - North Aurora, IL

Oh Lisa, don't worry about no advise for me, I mostly just had to get it off my chest.  I always say that things happen for a reason.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's grandson.  The family is in my thoughts and prayers.  How awful. 

Jacob asked yesterday when we could plant our gardens out front, we each have one and his usually ends up looking nicer than mine!  ha ha.  I told him that he might be able to do both this year because I'm not sure how long it will be until I can fully kneel and bend and do that again...he was of course fine with that.  He loves to help me with the cooking, cleaning and gardening and whatever else I need him for.  He's certainly my mama's boy and I wouldn't change it at all.  :-)



Marilyn M.
on 5/5/08 2:40 am - IL
Oh my heart goes out to your friend and her family..I understand what a suicide can do to a family.  How painful it will be.  I am praying for your friend and also you Lisa to be able to comfort her in anyway possible. You have that gift Lisa of being a good friend.
Blessings,  Marilyn M.  Jesus Fish 
"Yet I will not forget you.  See, I have inscribed you on the Palm of My hands"   Isaiah 49: 15-16

birder I.
on 5/5/08 12:15 am - Rockford, IL

Good morning Illinois!

We go to Madison today for our 6 month check ups. I never met the psychologist because she was on maternity leave when I had my eval so I don't know what that appointment will be about. Actually I think her app't is next week and today is the doc and the NUT. I'm not thinking fill today, but am open to about .25 ccs if they think so. Kay is kind of at the same place--maybe part of a cc. 

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I even sat outside for a while and read my book. Kay of course worked in the garden. (It's her yard--she knows I don't do yards). Then we grilled hamburgers with some left over to use in recipes. We also went to Coldwater Creek in the morning I bought two tank tops which are approaching too big. The next size down was too small, but I won't take the tags off yet. Tank top time is not quite here yet for me. I'm still freezing. Hey you veterans--will I ever warm up?

Have a great day!



on 5/5/08 2:32 am - IL

Good Morning friends. I get to travel to Barrington to see my doc today. He wants to follow up on my episodes from last week. I still am having trouble with solids. I just hope I haven't slipped my band. Please pray for good news. Everyone have a great day. Theresa, Rockford

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