Sunday Roll Call

I'll just say Morning, since right now there is nothing good about it.
I sit here crying becuase of my emotions and because of my pain in the ass step son. I am SO tired of him giving me attitude and mouthing off to me and no one doing anything about it. He's only 10 (next month) and I will not be around when he's a teenager if Mike does't step up and do something about this now.
The sun is shining and I am hoping to go for a walk later, I don't care how cold it is, I need to get out of the house.
As for the rest of the week, I go to see Karyn/Dr R on Tuesday again and then can start soft foods!! woohoo. I am healing well except for this darn skin sensitivity...that is what really bothers me. oh well, this too shall pass.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and fun day!