Saturday Roll Call
Today is graduation for 50 of my medical students! In a few hours they will be doctors! Families come from all over, even other countries and many of those come in the dress of their country. It is really cool! We, the faculty, get to wear graduation robes with ribbons of various colors for our departments. It is a festive day held at the Coronado, an old theater which has been rehabbed, so it is also beautiful. There is a catered reception afterwards, I'll have to be careful there! For all of us who have sat through long and boring graduations, this is not one. It is pretty fun and I look forward to it.
Also today a friend is putting in a new kitchen sink for us. Then he and his wife and baby are coming over to dinner later. We are looking forward to that too. The baby is so cute! So that is my Saturday and somewhere in between I will be back to check in on the board again.
Stay dry folks!
The graduation was beautiful. It was also very touching with the awards to the students and their families being there. There was a woman in African dress and several in Asian dress. A student from Mexico had her family bring a Mariachi band which played afterwards and people danced! This student came to the US not knowing English and started college, followed by med school. Of course now she speaks perfect English. She had a child her second year of school. Both of her parents are physicians and they were both there to pur her "hood" on which indicates that she graduated from medical school. Other students who had family members who are physicians also were there to "hood" the graduates. Kay said it was a three Kleenex event and she only had one! Afterwards there was a champagne and hors d'oeuvres reception. Way cool! I got to meet some of the parents of my favorite students too. It's a great day. I'm pumped and tired at the same time. A quick nap is probably in order!
Good Morning Carol and Connie and the rest of my IL family.
Carol, sometimes boring days are good.
Connie, congrats on the students graduating today and it sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy yourself!!
Paul, thinking about you this morning and wishing you a speedy recovery!!
As for me, the most exciting thing I am doing is taking a shower! Jacob stayed home from his dad's house this weekend because he's stil not feeling well. He slept really bad last night which of course meant I did too. His stomach is bugging him, he's coughing and runs a low fever on and off.
Mike is going to the grocery store today so I made a list for him.
Other than that, nothing going on here...
Have a happy and dry day friends!
Oh Carol, I guess I either didn't know or forgot that you were unemployed at this time. Yes you are right then. What kind of job are you looking for? I will be doing that soon enough as well. I am not looking forward to it at all. I am still debating if I will go back part time or full time. I guess it all depends on how much money I will be making. lol
Good luck sweetie and I'll be praying that something comes along for you soon.

Open RNY May 7