Friday Roll call
Revision on 04/19/13
..I have been having this nasty cough and low grade fevers so I.went to dr. last night and I have pnuemonia
Oh Marilyn, I am sorry! I guess I need to watch Jacob then, he's been so worried the past couple of days because he's been coughing and has a low grade fever for the last two days and for some reason he keeps saying he thinks he's got pneumonia....our neighbor boy has it.
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning,
Connie, I should do that also, I know I have stuff at least from 1992 ( when I started at this job)
still hanging around.
Michelle, I am glad your DH may it home for a night, even if he did leave this morning.
Lucy, have fun packing for your trip.
Monica, this is a problem alot of us have, I usually take metamusil (sp).
Theresa, welcome to the world of lapband. I consider it a good day if everything stays down, Ya need to take smaller bites and stop between bites.
Karey, you are doing great! Keep it up.
Welcome to our new posters, please come and visit with us often.
I am trying to declutter some of my house today. It is a never ending battle. Its not badf, but I want to be able to come home and not see anything out of place, at least once in a while.
I also found out yesterday that i am working all summer
I am hoping it will only be 2 days a week. They reallyu didn't tell us, but the boss wanted our vacation plans, and not have any during July. We have a new program starting.
The rain is
and the wind is

Hello Everyone -
Today has been a bust of a day. We are in the middle of a migration at work so my computer has been down all day and my boss would not let us go home.
Ok, so pay me for just sitting around
And then I get to come in the entire weekend to play catch up. Joy, joy.
Anyhow, not much else going on.. Support group was just the ticket I needed to get re-committed. I've been really struggling w/ the carbs lately and also struggling w/ being exhaused. After talking to my surgeon for quite some time last night he convinced me to schedule an appointment to have my bloodwork done but also to start journaling my food intake and fitness. Of course it's everything I already knew and just needed to have a quick swift kick in the you know what. I need to go back to the basics.
Hope everyone is having a nice Friday.