Friday Roll call
Hi everyone! It is FRIDAY!!
I have another day of workshop online. It was a cool way to get info. I also got my file cabinet cleaned out at the same time. Multi-tasking! I threw away handouts from the 80's figuring if I hadn't used them in 20 years I probably didn't need them! And multiple copies from before computer days!
Hope the rain forecast is bearable and full of dangerous storms. Stay safe everyone!

Good Friday Morning everyone!!
Just another day of rest here for me and Jacob, who is home sick today.
I have to call the Dr's office this morning to see what I can use to help me have a BM. I haven't had one since Tuesday and my tummy is starting to feel it. I'm sure it's because I am now eating more solid foods and not just liquids anymore. I am drinking more water but it's not helping. So we shall see what they say.
Lucy, I hope you have a wonderful time in Arizona, I am jealous, I love it there. Have a GREAT birthday too!!
Everyone else have a wonderful Friday!!
Good Morning! I hope everyone has a relaxing and fun filled weekend. I am working most of it, but I get to go see my liitle sis in a play Saturday. She is so talented. "Knock Em' Dead" some murder mystery thing. Doc finally called me back yesterday and wants to see on Monday about all the problems I have been having. I tried to eat semi solid food last night and vomitted again. Ice cream and mashed taters is still on my menu I guess. I really hope he doesn't want to unfill me. I am not sure I want to struggle again with bandster hell. It is a battle to lose each pound I have. Theresa, Rockford 234 / 183 / 140