LWB patients - support group
Calling all LWB patients as tomorrow is our monthly support group. Our one and only Joey Bonavota is going to be speaking
on "Fundamentals of resistance exercises". Come and learn how to incorporate resistance exercises into your exercise program and get and reap maximum benefits.
Hope to see any and all of you there!

Open RNY May 7
Marilyn, you do not have to apologize for anything - LWB=LifeWeigh Bariatrics. This is the name of our Doctor's practice; just like yours is called Suburban Surgical Care Assocs or the Kane Center. There are a number of members on the board that are patients, look for the name Jeffrey Rosen under our avatars. As far as the learning something new each day keep up the good work it is so important to keep ones mind active and you stay young doing so.
Open RNY May 7