IDS is the brand name----IDS Multi-Pro Whey Isolate.
You can google that.........I did and here is the least expensive place of the ones I looked at:
http://www.topsupplementsonline.com/IDS-Multi-Pro-Whey-Isola te-5-lbs.-p-5944764.html
I did not check the site out completely though.
I WAS getting it from a bodybuilding store here in town, but their price has gone up from $39.99 to $ 52.99 (5 lbs), so it is back to the web for me probably.
I have ordered from www.vitalady.com and am pleased with their service. Her price today is $ 24.99 (2 lbs)/$44.99 (5 lbs). She has the most flavors in stock.
www.bariatriceating.com only carries 2 lb containers, but they are $ 22.99 each.
I like the banana mixed in with the Greek yogurt. As far out as I am, I mix in a few berries and some All Bran Buds, and I have ag reat breakfast. I read the other day that the banana mixed with the vanilla/cinnamon makes a "banana bread" shake........mmmmmmmm.