Hi Everyone who signed up to be a secret pal..... I am helping Dee while she is taking care of herself. I sent out my gift on the 14th of April and haven't seen a post from them saying they recieved it. I understand everyone is going through some tough times but a commitment was made by signing up. Please follow through with your secret means alot to be thought of. This was a voluntary project that is supposed to be fun. Please let me know by PM me if you have not followed through yet, and i will send out reminders. Remember your secret Pal is waiting to hear from you. If you have recieved your gift please post on the board. So please everyone who signed up please follow through. You may make someones day brighter when they recieve your gift, or when you recieve yours. If you don't have time to shop possibly a gift card would be a good idea!!!! Please remember to acknowledge when you have recieved your gift, so your secret pal knows you recieved it. A reminder it was a 10.00 limit for April and for May..The April one was supposed to be sent out by 15th..and the same for May,,by the 15th. Please understand I am only trying to see to it that this is done fair. Again please let me know if you have recieved your gift and if you have sent yours out. I thank you for being part of this exciting time. Lets make it a Happy time for all those who committed to it. Blessings to Everyone

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!