THank you Secret Pal!!! ( and computer difficulty)
I just wanted to thank my secret pal for the CUTE card and the gift card. I am so going to use the card to get myself something cute at Old Navy.
Sorry I havent been around as my computer has been having major problems and had to be repaired. Seems my step son was over and went on some site that got us a lovely virus and it knocked my whole system out. I was freaking out b/c I am an amateur photographer and had over 40000 pictures on the damn thing. I had backed up almost all of them - but I just did a communion for a friends daughter and almost lost those..... thank god for my friends computer geek husband that actually got most of them back. We did lose some but heck I was happy to salvage what we were able to get.
Oh and yes I am trying to get a picture of me in my avatar up. Seems I am always TAKING the pictures and am never in them.
Monica I am glad you are feeling better - baby steps my friend. Your body has just been through a major trauma, give it time to heal.
Lucy I am sorry I missed your party. I had no computer hence no phone numbers or way to get in touch with anyone. The pictures look like everyone had a fabulous time. You will love your band. I give you so much credit. You are one tough lady and I truly admire you.
Paul only a few more days. It will be oh so worth the wait. I remember the nothing fits me feeling and it really stinks. Soon those pants will be big on you.
Jen we went through similar times with my stepson. He even did a stink at Rosecrance. Keep the faith, I will keep you and serenity in my prayers.
Kim - I am the stuck queen. My dh asks me all the time " when are ya gonna give it up?" Meaning bread.. I have found that pineapple juice is my saviour when stuck. I once had a piece of steak stuck for HOURS. The only thing that moved it ( and quite quickly) was pineapple juice. I have also heard Papaya enzyme works wonders also. It is trial and error with these bands, and what you can eat today may not make it down tommorrow. Just remember to cut it super small ( I have a problem with this) and chew it until there is nothing left. I have found I can eat tortilla's and pita no problem. There is a tortilla made that is high in protein. If I really want a sandwhich I will use one of these. I make wraps instead of sandwhiches.
Waving Hi to everyone.