Feeling lost...
First of all, I am new to the boards. My name is Jessy, I am a 27 year old mom to 3 boys. I am having surgery on May 28th. I think now that I am less than a month away, I am starting to feel totally lost, and unprepared, which scares me more than the surgery itself!
So, this is where I need ALL of you to help me! lol
I have so many questions, and I don't meet with my nutritionist until the week before surgery. I don't want to be running around in the last week buying all the things I need. So, if any of you can help me, here goes.....
1) Do you have any suggestions for books to read? Any post-op cookbook suggestions?
2) Protein Supplements, any suggestions on them, or where to buy them?
3) Vitamins, what will I need?
4) Pain relief, what should I have on hand?
5) Is there anything else I should have for when I come home?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I like to go into things prepared, and I am currently VERY far from that!
Thank You!
First Jessy, I want to welcome you to the IL board. My name is Janet and I had RNY Oct.30,07. My Psychotherapist told me that a good book to read is( Weight Loss surgery Understanding & overcoming Morbid Obesity) I got mine used on Amazon.com, and really like it,
Protein supp. I get mind at Woodman's just make sure it is Whey Protein,
Walmart has the protein as well, also you can order on line, at www.vitalady.com and www.baratricadvantage.com They have samples that you can get to see which ones you like, I would not try them until after surgery because your taste will change. for the Vit, you can also get them from the two site listed too.
Walgreen also has baratrica vit too called Optisource, I got mine at www.walgreens.com and they have free shipping,
For pain, my Dr. sent me home with pain meds.
You might want to get Gas X strips,
most of all make sure you sip sip sip water and walk as much as you can,
Good luck with your journery and hang on it is a great ride,
Keep up posted.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Welcome to OH Illinois Jessy! Since we have different doctors and surgeries, I will leave it to the RNY patients to help you out. Just wanted to welcome you to this board.
Keep reading other posts and you will learn a lot more. The people on the IL board are very helpful. Check in with us at the daily roll call. Good luck with your journey!
Hi Jessy
I am new too. My RNY is May 7th and I am trying to get everything in place. The best book I've read is "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies". It has really helped me prepare. It has great detail. A great post-op cookbook is "Eating Well after Weight loss Surgery" by Patt Levine. It adjusts each recipe for your type of surgery and how far out you are. I used Vitalady to buy protein samples and also bought from unjury.com. Se if your nutritionist will send you a list of vitamins and/or diet so you can order prior to the surgery. If you need last minute items, don't forget the vitamin shoppe, GNC and walgreens ,they all have protein and vitamins. Best of luck - Trish