liquid diet starts today!
i have two weeks of liquid protein diet (one small protein and non starchy veggie) that starts today. I CAN DO THIS!! i am thinking that god truly has a sense of humor b/c i am being tested like you won't believe! this is a true test that i can not eat when the stress turns on!!! yesterday all in one day, i had a plummer come to fix the damn connection to the ice maker b/c it has leaked and buckled my wood floor in the kitchen!! insurance came and said it was a total loss. then the furnace went out and they came last night and said we actually need a new furnace (it's 19 years old). it's 54 degrees in this house right now! we all slept in my bed!! my huband, me, the two kids and the dog!! a big puppy pile! we were actually very warm! :) anyway, I AM KEEPING MY EYE ON THE PRIZE!!!! THANKS FOR READING!
That's all you can do is think of the outcome.... keep your head up and temptations out of sight (I know easier said then done!)... I remember when I was on the liquid diet before my surgery I swear I didn't notice half the food commercials before, but it seemed like everywhere I turned someone on TV was eating!
I really think the fast before the surgery is the hardest part.... after that it's smooth sailing! Good luck and keep thinking about the big picture....