Tuesday Roll Call...
I fell trying to get out of my bunk (think submarine berth) in the middle of the night on the train. I have not seen the doctor because I don't know that they can do anything for it. It may just be badly sprained, but it hurts like heck! I am wearing my slippers because it hurts to walk in shoes.
I wish the warm weather would have followed us back! I could NOT believe how cold it was. Todd is on his way back now, maybe it will follow him?
I almost got bumped from the flight and I wish I could have stayed longer. It was pretty fun, and an adventure the whole time!
Let's just think warm, maybe it will help!
I know you are feeling a bit better, but not happy with how long it is taking. Please try to be patient.....you have been through a lot. Keep working at it and pretty soon, you will wake up one day and be amazed at the change in how you feel.
Good Morning Jenn and the rest of IL,
For me not much going on, today, my hip is giving me alot of pain so I am going to take it easy today.
Jenn glad thing are a little more stable now for you, I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayer .
Lucy that will be nice to come home to a freshly painted house, enjoy the weather in AZ.
Monica, take it easy don't rush thing, you had two surgery's in a roll, you will get stronger day by day.
Lisa don't work too hard, did you get your plants covered last night, I did but we did not get now to freezing here due to the cloud cover. .
Paul sorry to hear about your work, you don't need to be worring about that now, I will say a little prayer for you that everything works out and you don't lose your job.
Michelle, good luck with the gas prices, I don't think anyone has cheep prices,
Carol, hope you Dr. appt. goes good, and everything is ok with you.
Theresa congrat on you lost, you are doing great, and fingers are crossed for you,
Amy hope you feel better soon,
Dawn nice to see you home, but why did you not bring the heat back with you. It's cold here.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!