Sunday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
Hello Paulie - good day to you. I have never heard of a Leg Magic machine. Educate me. Dave and I love going to the downtown Chgo area. We try to get there at least once a month. Sometimes it is a couple times in a month and then sometimes it is every other month so it averages out to at least once a month. Have a great week and we will be waiting patiently for news from the "other side". Chris
Open RNY May 7
Good morning Christine and Paul and the rest of IL,
Maddie and I will be heading out to church in a hour. Not doing much today. After church I think we will just bum around the house. Maddie and I have to start her litercey fair project. We are making paper mache fish w/ shinny scales to go with the kids book "Rainbow Fish". Then I might take a nap this afternoon and then do some scrapbooking. We went to my parents house in Gilberts yesterday to do some lawn work. They have 3 acres, so it just felt overwhelming!
This band is teaching me a thing or two about me! When am I going to get it through me thick skull that bread does not agree with me and I get is stuck everytime! It is my addiction to bread, and I just have to stop!!! I have vomited every meal since yesterday. Went to subway yesterday and they only charged me .25 for a scoop of tuna in a bowl. I was able to keep that down until I had a sip of water 30min later. I am pleased to say that I am down 20 lbs since surgery and I am starting to get comments! I also went to the outlet mall yesterday and I had to use all the will power to not buy clothes for me! They had some great deals and I am getting excited about dressing more trendy! My husband and sister say I dress like a grandma. I don't think I dress like a grandma, I dress comfortable and when I'm heavy, I don't like to think and put to much effort in looking good in my clothes! I better get going, Maddie just woke up and we have to get ready!!! Have a beautiful day and God Bless!!!
Open RNY May 7

Open RNY May 7
Good afternoon all,
All the talk of gardening makes me a little jealous. I still don't have the energy, but oh how I love flowers. My daffodils are in full bloom and I bug my family to stop and admire them everytime we pull into the drive.
Today is Easter for us, but its very low keyed. I got up early to make my greek lasagna and I have pretty much spent all day in the kitchen.
Friday night I came home to a strong smell of gas. I called the gas company and they came out and inspected. I had cleaned the stove and put it back together wrong and the pilot lites went out. Anyway, he did a full inspection on all appliances. He determined that because my landlord has been lazy about replacing the air filter on the furnace that it was filthy and therefore a hazzard. He shut it off, so today my landlord sent over someone to clean it and get new filters. Its an old furnance w/ a funky sized filter that gets inserted up somewhere out of reach. Its not an easy replacement or we would have taken care of it a long time ago. Luckily all the cooking and baking I'm doing has heated the house up nice. We are heading to Woodridge today to Hollywood Blvd. For those who have never heard of it. Its is a really nice movie theatre where you sit in executive leather office chairs pulled up to a counter type table. The ticket prices are normal priced, but you must order at least 1 thing off of the menu. Again, the prices aren't inflated. You can order anything from soda, mixed drink (full service bar), appetizer, or meal. They sent dh a coupon for his birthday for 8 free passes, so were taking his cousin and kids, and we invited another couple to go with. Have a lovely day today everyone. Paul, I wish you the best with surgery and look forward to seeing you on the loser bench. ~Michelle