I am so excited, I went to the mailbox today, and there it was, my approval letter. Now I will finally get my surgery date. From what they told me, it should be within two weeks!!! Yea!!!!
That is so exciting, thanks for sharing the great news. Come back and let us all know what your date is. Stop into the daily roll call when you can and get to know everyone else. That is how all of us have gotten to know one another.
Thank you guys so much, all of you. I am on here everyday, reading and learning. I think my head is now so full of so many good things to help me through all of this. I can not wait. I will keep you all posted. Have a good day all!!!! Tracy
Mine was sent out on April 2nd. That may help you as to when you may get yours. They have 30 days, and mine came at 3 weeks and 4 days. The waiting game...UUGGHHHH . Wish they had ruby red slippers for this journey : )
Congrats! It's definitely an exciting time for you.
Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal- Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.
thanks again guys, now the nerves start up. IM excited, and nervous all at the same time. I also feel like I am nesting or something, cleaning, catching up on laundry, my kids think I am nuts, haha.