What did family do during your surgery that helped most?
I had laproscopic ryn. I had my dh and teenage daughter. I didn't cook or clean at all for the first week. I needed the most help w/ getting dressed. I couldn't bend over, so putting on underware pants, socks, and shoes were a problem for me. I also needed help getting up from the recliner and getting into bed each night. My dh was my chauffeur the whole time. 1 week after surgery I just moved the car and it hurt to turn the steering wheel. Two weeks after surgery, I was fine to drive. Its also nice to have someone around for emotional support. Our hormones go crazy and we cry for no reason and in my case I also got easily angered from little things. I took 3 weeks off from work. ~Michelle
I had my DH there and he works out of the house so I had that luxury of having him there 24/7. I did not drive until after I went back in for my 2 week apt. and by that time I was just about done taking my prescription meds. Most docs will not let you drive until after you are off of the narcotic pain meds. I was back at work at 2 1/2 weeks. I had an extra day with the Memorial Day weekend. You might need someone there to help you dress and bathe, carry things for you. The day I went home from the hospital Dave drove me to Jewel and I got one of those electric carts and we went grocery shopping. He still had to eat even if I was only on liquids. It was good to get out of the hospital and house. You might also need someone to go out and get you minor things from the store. I am with Christina as I felt pretty good by 3 weeks. Pam, Christina and I all have the same doc. I had open RNY as did my DH and he was doing pretty good and had about the same time line as I did. Christine
Open RNY May 7