OMG have me in tears from laughter! got to get out of Lucy's closet and circulating there's a lot of girls that will find you very attractive! I'm sure all of us girls on the board think so! We will be so good for your self-esteem!
BIG CONGRATS Barry-you have every right to be proud of yourself. That is quite an accomplishment! Keep on doin' what you're doin' Dude! The ladies will be chasing you for sure now! Big hugs-Janet K
go barry..go barry...congratulations on your success. barry accepting his lifetime award
barry struttin his stuff..down on the red carpet
i am so happy for you..many blessings to you....
Blessings, Marilyn M.
"Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the Palm of My hands" Isaiah 49: 15-16
Way to go!!! I'm so glad that I found the love of my life already. I would hate to have to compete with you for all the beautiful women out there. But I guess I'm lucky to have such a great inspiration and example to follow!