Yippee, Skippee My Visit with Dr. Hart
I'm back from my pulmonary appointment with Dr. Hart. I was there a long time as they were backlogged. My pulmonary function test went well and was normal.
I finally meet the infamous Dr. Hart. To my surprise, he was so pleasant and complimentive. He said to me, did you know that you're 54? You sure don't look your age, you look much younger! WOW, I was so surprised... He reviewed my file and results and asked me some questions. Then he listened to my heart and lungs.
He said that I was healthy and no further testing was needed. He gave me a prescription for Lovenox (I expected that) and some information on deep vein thrombosis. He told me that he would be sending my clearance to Dr. Guske today. YAY!!!
He was very complimentary to me. I sure didn't expect it. So the appointment went very well.
Now I have my nutritionist appointment on Tuesday. Looks like I'll be able to get all my ducks in a row!
Thanks everyone for your support!

Lucy, I think the man has mellowed over the years. Dave saw him down at the Diabetes Expo two weeks ago and he was falling all over himself to complement Dave on how great he looked. Prior to that Dave had to beg him to clear him for his RNY. I am not sure what it has been over the years but maybe someone professionally sat him down and gave him a good talk - professional to professional. There is always hope for people to turn a new leaf. Maybe he found God
, who knows.

Open RNY May 7
Hi Chris. I was expecting the worst and got the best. I'm just so happy it's over with. I don't have to take another test. I am healthy except for my regain. I know that I am in better shape for the lap band then when I was for my RNY.
Now to get through the nutrition appointment... then finally the pre-op testing on May 1st.
Hi Michelle. I'm just glad it's over and I don't have to go for additional testing. I was ready to say that I would go home the same day of surgery instead of going through all this stuff again. Well, I didn't have to go that route, but I was ready to. That's how strongly I felt about any additional testing. It wasn't necessary.