Monday Roll Call
Good Morning Paul and the rest of my OH family. I know that feeling Paul of going to put on a shirt or anything and it doesn't fit. It stinks, but just you wait, you will be wearing those shirts again before you know it!
As for me, well I will be calling the Kane Center today because I am pretty sure the insicion around my G-tube is infected. Mike helped me take a shower last night and when I took of the gauze pad that is around it, it was all red and also having some bloody discharge. I just want this thing out of me.
Last night I started feeling yucky, like I have some nausea and I seem to be burping a lot and I just don't feel well for some reason. Not sure what's going on. We shall see
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Monday and enjoy the weather!
Good morning all. What a beautfiul start to the day. I love waking up to a sunny morning.
Well, its here. I am 1 week shy of being 4 months post op. My hair came out in the shower in a huge ball. As I bru**** it still keeps coming out. So far I'm fine with it, as I have thick hair, but there is a limit, I hope. I chose not to take the biotin as someone somewhere said their dr didn't feel that it did much to prevent it. Oh, if we could only choose what areas we would like to loose our hair in. Monica, what a time you've had. It does get better, even if it doesn't feel that way now. Paul, we all have had those times when nothing fits. I bet your in that XL by Fathers Day. Have a wonderful Monday morning all. ~Michelle