NSV...something I haven't done in years...
CUT THE GRASS!!!!! It's been 10 years since I've had the energy to even try!!!
DH is still in Alaska so the maintenance of the house is all on me.
1. Picked out the lawnmower at Home Depot ALL BY MYSELF
2. Got the said mower out of the back of my pick up...ALL BY MYSELF
3. Ventured to the gas station to get gas in the can (I'm nervous doing this) ALL BY MYSELF
4. Filled r' up and away I went... ALL BY MYSELF!!!
We're on a corner lot so there's alot of grass to cut. Must have been out there 2 1/2 hrs or so. There's a workout!
I had my surgery 1.19.08 and have been blessed ever since. I just celebrated my three month anniversary Saturday. I'm down 76 pounds and counting.
This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I'm getting my life back and making sure that I am here for my girls and husband for a long time.
I know that cutting grass may not seem like a big deal to some, but I enjoyed it when I was younger...crazy I know. :)
Revision on 04/19/13
Tracee, what a great thing for you to be able to do. I use to love cutting the grass, haven't for a number of years, first medical, then allergies, then more medical. Even with my weight lost, I am still unable to cut it, but it always gave me a feeling of accomplisment when I was able to.
Your DH will be proud of you too,
I'm sorry, yes, RNY. I was fortunate to be able to have it done laproscopicly (sp?) instead of open. I was thinking of the band, but the idea of this plastic thing in me with a tube to fill or unfill didn't appeal to me. Oh, I'm not bashing it. It just wasn't right for me.
For sure it was a feeling of accomplishment with the grass. I even tried to get the rows all even and purrty for hubby, LOL..
Dear Tracee!
Good for you! Isn't it a wonderful feeling!
I had the same type of thing last year when I de-weeded a whole flower bed (turning each shovelfull of dirt to remove all weeds and grass). It took nearly all day and I wasn't even tired!
There will be many more NSV's to come.......enjoy everyo one of them!