Status Post Party!!!
No - thank you for hosting the party and your clubhouse is really, really nice. We all were able to connect and talk together. Michelle's pictures are really good. So, happy that we were all able to meet the other's spouse, friend, daughter or significant other. Dawn, did you find Trader Joe's? After we left I looked at the clock and wondered if you were going to get there before they closed. If they were closed you will just need to come back this way and some of us can meet for lunch or something. I do not live too far from there I could always meet up with you there.
Open RNY May 7
Thank you Lucy for a great time,it could not have been better, I loved meeting everyone that we all talk to on the net, can't wait until our next party, Jim even enjoyed his self and he is not one for meeting new people, but he had a good time and we got home with out getting lost,
How did you do Dawn?
Sorry we too had to leave early but Jim was up at 4 am Sat . for work and then again this morning but not to work, he and my son went fishing,
I will be posting the pic on my site and if anyone wants me to send any just let me know and I can email them to you
Connie Jim said that we will be coming to the meeting Monday night, see you then

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Dear Lucy:
Thank you SOOO much for having us all! Your clubhouse is great! The perfect place to get together.
I really enjoyed meeting everyone, and got to talk with most everyone. I kind of missed getting to know Willow, but maybe next time.
I did not see Dave and Chris' recipes, so I would love to have copies of them. Chris, I will PM you for them later.
We did not even try to make it to Joe's. It was just too late, and Liv doesn't REALLY need Jo-Jo's anyway. With the trip to New Orleans at the end of the week, my family will be getting plenty of treats from there.
Kim told me about the one in Elgin, and it is closer to where I work than the one I usually go to in Madison. Maybe I'll make a trip out there soon.
We did not get lost going home and it took just under 2 hours, including a potty stop.
I will post my pictures on my profile here in a few minutes.
Thanks again!